Audience: Freshman in high school Kayla McGuire Drugs and Alcohol Audience: Freshman in high school Kayla McGuire
What does the word drug mean? The word drug means: a substance that has a physiological effect when put into the body.
What is legal and what is illegal? Over-the-counter drugs Heroin Cocaine Marijuana (in most states) LSD Theses are the most commonly known. There are so many more! Example: Advil Synthetic Drugs Example: bath salts Prescription Example: OxyContin, Xanax, and sleeping pills
Substance abuse What is substance abuse? Substance abuse is a condition where an individual continues to use drugs despite a clear understanding of the harm it can cause. Millions of Americans abuse drugs each year. Even though since the 1980s and the 1990s drug abuse has gone, it still remains a serious issues in our society It is extremely easy to abuse drugs. It ruins lives and relationships of loved ones!
Health effects Psychological problems: Depression Anxiety Dementia Paranoia Long-term health problems: Hearts disease Kidney disease Liver damage Lung disease
What a drug can do to your Brain! Drugs alter the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information. Drugs are able to mess with the brain’s receptors and activate nerve cells to send abnormal messages. This results in the high you feel when you take these drugs.
Prevention JUST SAY NO! Do not fall into peer-pressure Get help for you or someone in need There are many prevention groups that you could go to Get educated!
What happens when you are caught with drugs? If you are caught with possession of drugs, you could face jail time as well as a fine. Jail time depends on previous criminal records. Some may even face large amounts of community service. The average amount of jail time is between 30 to 40 months.
What happens when caught dealing/selling? Selling drugs has a much harsher penalties. It does not take much to determine that one was intending to sell. If you have been caught repeatedly, you can face up to 3,6,or 9 years is prison. If caught selling to a minor, they could face 10 or more years in prison. Officers will also look for signs that one intent to sell. For example; little bags, scales, big amounts of cash.
Alcohol: Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used psychoactive drug and is legal in most countries. Many people enjoy alcohol, but if not careful it cause issues.
What alcohol does to the body: Can cause the pancreas to produce toxic substances. Messes with central nervous system (Slurred speech, unbalanced). Ulcers in the esophagus, acid reflux, and heartburn. Increases risk of miscarriage. Erectile dysfunction is another common cause For more effects see: on-body
Underage drinking As most know, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drink. By the age of 15 about 33% of teens have had at least one drink. Data from 2006-2010 have shown that alcohol is a factor in the deaths of 4,358 young people under age 21 With that being said, 245 have died from alcohol poisoning, others from car crashes and suicides
Underage drinking risks There are so many risks of underage drinking, which would include: Impaired Judgment Sexual assault Interferes with brain development Causes many injuries In 2011 about 188,000 people under age 21 visited an emergency room for alcohol-related injuries.
call for help: Underage drinkers can call 911 for medical help for themselves or another person without fear of being prosecuted for their illegal drinking. Unfortunately most underage drinkers do not this, because they are afraid of what could happen. NEVER be afraid to call for help, you could potentially save a life.
Drunk driving: Drunk Driving Law: All states define driving with a blood alcohol concentration at or above 0.08 percent as a crime, but penalties vary substantially from state to state. FACTS: Every 51 minutes in America, someone is killed in a drunk driving crash. Someone is injured in a drunk driving incident every 120 seconds. On average, a drunk driver will drive 80 times under the influence before their first arrest. Penalties
Penalties for New Jersey 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense Jail Up to 30 days Up to 90 days Up to 180 days Fines $250-$500 $500-$1,000 $1,000 License Suspension 3 month to 1 year 2 years 10 years Never drink and drive! Call a friend, parent, or Uber. It is not worth the penalties.
Alcoholism: Definition: A chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled drinking and preoccupation with alcohol. Also, known as alcohol dependency More that 3 million cases a year More on slide Signs of alcoholism
Alcohol abuse The difference between alcoholism and alcohol abuse is a matter of degree. Alcohol abuse is not serious as being an alcoholic, but it is not something that should be unnoticed. Alcohol abusers are not necessarily addicted to alcohol.
Signs of alcoholism Whole body: blackout, dizziness, shakiness, craving, or sweating Behavioral: aggression, agitation, compulsive behavior, and lack of restraint Mood: anxiety, euphoria, guilt, and loneliness Gastrointestinal: nausea and/or vomiting Psychological: incoherence and/or fear
References for drugs Penalties and Sentencing. (2016). Retrieved from policy/penalties-for-drug-abuse/ . Substance Abuse. (2016). Retrieved from
References for Alcohol New Jersey Drunk Driving Fines & Penalties. (n.d) Retrieved from . Pietrangelo, Ann. (2014, June 30). THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL ON THE BODY. Retrieved from The Differences Between Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism.( 2014, July 10). Retrieved from What Is Alcohol Abuse?(n.d) Retrieved from abuse/.