Facts = = Depressant Production- process of fermentation Content- amount of alcohol 4-50% Oz. X Alcohol % = Alcohol Content 5 X .1 = 0.5 %/oz = All of the drinks have 0.5 % per oz Alcohol Content = 5 oz Wine 10% Alcohol 12 oz Beer 4% Alcohol 1.25 oz Shot 40% Alcohol
Teens and Alcohol Zero-tolerance policy Influence of Peers Students face stiff consequences (suspensions) with the first offense Influence of Peers Want to fit in Do what “everyone” else does Influence of Family Rules and advice of parents to steer clear Influence of the Media Seen as acceptable, and fun Negative side effects are not advertised
Risks Underage drinking Legal Risks Injury/death Commit/victim of sexual assault or violence Brain damage Problems with Alcohol later in life Suspensions from school/sports/activities Legal Risks Lawyer/court fees
Alcohol’s Effects on the Body Physical Body Systems Nervous System Cardiovascular Excretory System Digestive System Behavior Loss of judgment Loss of self-control Blackouts
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Factors that influence alcohol’s effect! How alcohol affects you is different based on different absorption rate factors, these include: Body Size: The bigger you are, the more blood you have to dilute the alcohol in your system. Smaller people are usually affected more quickly by alcohol than larger people. Gender: Women are generally smaller than men, have a higher percentage of body fat, and tend to reach higher BAC’s more quickly.
Food: A full stomach slows the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream. Strength of Drink: Drinks can have different effects based on their composition, i.e. carbonated beverages tend to increase the absorption rate in alcohol. Rate of Consumption: Gulping or chugging drinks will increase the amount of alcohol taken into your system. Also, the faster you drink, the less time your body has to dilute the alcohol. Mood: A person who is obviously upset, exhausted, or under a lot of stress feels the effects of alcohol more quickly. Woowho D’oh!
Age: The body processes alcohol better once the body is fully matured. Tolerance: The longer an individual drinks, the more he or she will need drink in order to get the same desired effect. Day 1 Day 15 Day 365 Drug Use: Legal or illegal drugs can speed up the effects of alcohol and have an unpredictable outcome. Body Composition: In general, the less you weigh the more quickly alcohol will be absorbed. However, for people of the same weight, a person who has greater muscle mass will absorb alcohol slower than someone with a higher percentage of body fat.
Blood Alcohol Concentration
1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense Jail Up to 93 days 5 days to 1 year 30 days to 1 year Fines and Penalties From $100 to $500 From $200 to $1,000 License Suspension Up to 6 months Min. 1 year IID** Required Possible Yes IID** Interlock Ignition Device
Life Threatening Effects Motor Vehicle Crashes Overdose Interactions with other Drugs
Damage to the Body Brain Damage Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Liver damage Destroys nerve cells- impair memory, ability to concentrate and make sound judgment Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Heart defects, malformed faces, delayed growth, poor motor development, mental retardation Liver damage interferes with liver’s ability to break down fats Cirrhosis: may lead to liver failure/death Alcoholic hepatitis Heart Disease Digestive Problems
Alcoholism Changes to the brain Who is at risk? Tolerance Dependence Need larger amounts Dependence Cannot function normally without it Addiction Has no control over drinking Who is at risk? Anyone who drinks
Stages of Alcoholism 1. Problem Drinking 2. Absolute Dependence “social drinker” is at risk 2. Absolute Dependence Totally dependent on the drug Hide problem and appear fine 3. Late Stage of Alcoholism Lose mental, emotional and physical health Serious health problems Reverse intolerance
Treating Alcoholism Acknowledge the Problem Detoxification Rehabilitation Support Groups
Abstaining from Alcohol Prepare for Pressure Stick to your decision Avoid high pressure situations Refuse rides from drinkers