Your Webquest to Understanding STDs
Table of Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Contents Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading State Objective: Objective 3.3 Identify the dangers of physical intimacy during dating. • List the common types of STDs and their symptoms by researching and reviewing current findings and statistics. • Assess the dangers, myths, consequences of STDs and HIV/AIDS. Contents Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Contents Objective Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading Scenario Teenagers are exterminating with sex at a much younger age. With sex comes the dangers of STDs. Many students do not know about STDs; the causes, myths and dangers. We are going to be working together with a younger health class. Your job is to research STDs and gather information that will make students aware of the risks involving them. Contents Objective Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Task Question How can I seep myself safe and help others understand STDs? Contents Objective Scenario Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Contents Objective Scenario Task Roles Project Conclusion Grading Background With children having sex at a younger age that past generations, and with it being more common that in the past America is realizing that issues associated with sex needs to be talked about a a much younger age. One of those issues are STDs. With adolescents, they listen better to their peers than an adult. If you are accurately informed then you can inform others. There are three roles for each group to accomplish. Each person needs to choose a role to fulfill. Each role will be given a question or a guiding sentence, use that to guide your search through the internet. Keep in mind your own curiosity and questions that you have. Other people will also want to know that same information. Be prepared to really educated someone else on this topic. Contents Objective Scenario Task Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Student Role 1: History Investigator Your job is to research. Tell us what STDs are. How long have they been effecting American society? What STDs are out there? Tell us the history of the major STDs, where did they originated from? Make sure your data is accurate and from respectable sources. See the list of resources to get you started. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Project Conclusion Grading
Role 1 Resources Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Student Role 2: Effects on American Society How is America's society effected by STDs. See questions to keep in mind for your research. This role is broad but very important because it usually has the most impact on students so this is the most crucial part of the assignment. Refer to listed references to get you started. What kind of hardships does it cause in people's lives? What does an infected person have to deal with daily? How does this effect families, friendships, and other relationships? Job opportunities? Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Role 2 References - 27k - 22k Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Student Role 3: Ways to prevent STDs Your job is to find the information that will inform yourself and other students about efficient ways to prevent STDs. Things to be discussed: Different protection, decision making, choices. Your thoughts need to be organized and have information to back them up. Search on the internet to find information. There are two links to get you started. As you are looking, keep in mind that this is a growing problem and you will have opportunities to have conversations with friends where this information will be useful. For this project you will be presenting to younger students, keep in mind that they have not heard much on this topic and they need to be taught all about it. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Role 3 References Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Conclusion Grading Group Project Once all of the information is gathered the group will get together to create a presentation that you will be able to present to younger students. Educate, but keep things simple. Have the students come away knowing the causes, dangers and truths vs. myths of STDs. Have the presentation be engaging. Make sure that the presentation is organized and ready. Avoid being dry, this is a sensitive topic, but one the students are curious about. It needs to be serious, but also enthusiastic. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Conclusion Grading
Real World You may wonder how this applies to you. After you have finished you projects and made your presentations, we will have one class period where young adults who have an STD will come and talk about what their life is like. You will see that this is Real. We will also have an STD counselor come in to talk to you about STDs and what you can do as young adults to prevent the spread of STDs. This will be a great opportunity to ask any questions that you may have now or from your research. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Grading Conclusion As the teacher, my hope is that as you complete this project you will see that STDs are a serious topic that young adults face. As you are educated and have an understanding, your will be able to make better choices. In addition, some schools do not have the funding to provide their students with information on STDs so you will also be able to share the information that you have with others. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Grading
Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion How you will be graded Above and Beyond Opening Has something that captures that attention of students. Background Clearly draws a connection to common foundation of knowledge. Provides needed resources. Appling it to real life Talked about how the information learned and how it can be apply to their life and other students. Talks about how they will implement this knowledge into their life. Fulfilling of role Roles are clearly defined, and talked about. Use of internet Followed the links that were provided as well as participated in the activities of the links which lead to new links of exploration. Conclusion Clear tie-in to the intro. Makes the students' cognitive tasks overt and suggests how this learning could transfer to other domains/issues. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion
How you will be graded Followed the Directions Opening Attempts to appeal to student interests. Background Brief mention of a common body of knowledge. Resources of the knowledge gained are listed. Appling it to real life Briefly mentions real life application. Fulfilling of role The information that was asked of in the role was provided in the presentation. The role is clear and realistic. Use of internet Used the links that were provided. Only used that information on that link. Did not venture away from what was given you. Conclusion Returns to the intro ideas. May sum up the experiences and learning that was undertaken. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
How you will be graded Little Effort Opening No attempt made to appeal to other students. Background No attempt to access prior learning or build common background. No resources of the information gained. Appling it to real life Does not address how it can be applied to real life. Fulfilling of role Participated in the presentation. Talked when it was their turn. However their role was not clearly defined. Use of internet Briefly looked at the links that were provided, simply talked about the first information provided on the link. Conclusion Minimal conclusion. No mention of student thinking or symmetry to intro. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading
Complete Rubric Above and Beyond Followed Directions Little Effort Opening Has something that captures that attention of students. Attempts to appeal to student interests. No attempt made to appeal to other students. Background Clearly draws a connection to common foundation of knowledge. Provides needed resources. Brief mention of a common body of knowledge. Resources of the knowledge gained are listed. No attempt to access prior learning or build common background. No resources of the information gained. Appling it to real life Talked about how the information learned and how it can be apply to their life and other students. Talks about how they will implement this knowledge into their life. Briefly mentions real life application. Does not address how it can be applied to real life. Fulfilling of role Roles are clearly defined, and talked about. The information that was asked of in the role was provided in the presentation. The role is clear and realistic. Participated in the presentation. Talked when it was their turn. However their role was not clearly defined. Use of internet Followed the links that were provided as well as participated in the activities of the links which lead to new links of exploration. Used the links that were provided. Only used that information on that link. Did not venture away from what was given you. Briefly looked at the links that were provided, simply talked about the first information provided on the link. Conclusion Clear tie-in to the intro. Makes the students' cognitive tasks overt and suggests how this learning could transfer to other domains/issues. Returns to the intro ideas. May sum up the experiences and learning that was undertaken. Minimal conclusion. No mention of student thinking or symmetry to intro. Contents Objective Scenario Task Background Roles Project Conclusion Grading