Special Status Renewal Process 2017-2018 Academic Year
Special Status Renewal Process Timeline Monday, April 24 - renewal app opens at 9 am Monday, June 5 - renewal app closes at 9 am *Note that both “frozen” AND “active” organizations can renew. Frozen orgs are those who failed to renew last year.
Opportunities to Renew Have your incoming President (2017-2018): Fill out the app online on their own time OR Email us at studentactivities@virginia.edu and we’ll schedule a time to meet up in person to help with the app.
BEFORE you submit your Renewal App Update the new INCOMING President for 2017-2018 to be the President in your SSO’s roster on @UVA. The incoming President needs to be the one to submit the application. Note that individuals must be listed as members before they can be updated to an officer position. The app will ONLY be accessible to the President and Primary Contact of your organization, as listed on @UVA. Here is a link for further help with updating the roster: http://support.collegiatelink.net/hc/en-us/sections/200722494-Students-Manage-your-Organization-Roster *The person who submits the app will automatically become the CIO’s Primary Contact (the individual with primary responsibility for the operation of the organization).
BEFORE you submit your Renewal App Update your roster on @UVA, including members, officers, and Primary Contact. Here are some links to help you manage your roster. ROSTER CHANGES ROSTER CHANGES EVERYWHERE
BEFORE you submit your Renewal App Copy/paste the entire non-discrimination language (SEE BELOW) into your organization’s Constitution and upload the Constitution to the Documents section of your SSO’s page on @UVA. The red text indicates changes from last year. Our Special Status Organization does not restrict its membership, programs, or activities on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family and genetic information. Notwithstanding these requirements, a Special Status may petition to restrict its membership based on gender (e.g. all-male or all-female a cappella groups) or an ability to perform the activities related to the organization’s purpose by filing a written request with the Office of the Dean of Students. In evaluating any such requests, the University will look not merely to the constitution of an organization but to its actual practices and operations. Note: This has been updated!
BEFORE you submit your Renewal App Check that your SSO is using the University’s name correctly in ALL places – social media urls, social media sites, websites, on @UVA, etc. The Harry Potter Club at UVA The UVA Club of Harry Potter *Please change “UVa” to “UVA” if you have this listed in your SSO’s name. Utilizing “Virginia Club of XYZ” is also acceptable.
BEFORE you submit your Renewal App The renewal app will require you to designate a member of your SSO as the “Marketing Officer.” This person will have access to the NEW branding website that will enable you to utilize the official split-V logo with your SSO name if you would like to. ALL SSOs: Check to see that your logo abides by section 9 of the Special Status Agreement. Questions about logos? Email brandguidelines@virginia.edu.
BEFORE you submit your Renewal App Please ask the appropriate people to sign these two docs: Special Status Agreement will need THREE signatures President of SSO Advisor of SSO Administrator in Office of Dean of Students (ODOS) Special Status Organization Delegated Functions Agreement will need TWO signatures *Email studentactivities@virginia.edu to set up a time for an ODOS administrator to sign your Special Status Agreement. **You can also email us if you need a copy of your delegated functions.
BEFORE you submit your SSO’s Renewal App Update the new INCOMING President for 2017-2018 to be the President in your SSO’s roster on @UVA. This person should submit the app. Update your entire roster, including members, officers, and Primary Contact. Include the non-discrimination language in your SSO’s Constitution. Check that your organization is not misusing the University’s name in ALL places. Check that your organization is using logos correctly. Acquire appropriate signatures for your Special Status Agreement AND your Special Status Delegated Functions Agreement. Renewal app is open from Monday, April 24th at 9 am – Monday, June 5th at 9 am Questions? Email studentactivities@virginia.edu.
How the Primary Contact/President Will Access & Complete the Renewal App Log in to @UVA and go to your SSO’s page There is a blue bar on your SSO’s page that says “This organization is currently eligible for registration.” Click the “Register” button. Read each step thoroughly, and complete each step of the process. Make sure to hit SUBMIT. Check on your SSO renewal status BEFORE Monday, June 5th at 9 am when the application closes. *Note that this form will only be accessible to the current Primary Contact and President. If for some reason, you need another member to complete the renewal, please let us know.
How to Check your SSO’s Renewal Status: The person who submitted the app can: Log in to @UVA via Netbadge Click the down arrow next to name in top right corner of the page & select "Involvement" Click on the "Submissions" tab and then, click on "Organization Registrations." Then, check the status next to your Special Status Organization Renewal submission. If the status says "In Progress" = renewal NOT completed and needs to be submitted If the status says "Pending" = renewal submitted successfully and waiting for approval If your status says “Approved” = renewal completed successfully! Please allow at least 10 days for us to review your application. Questions? Please email studentactivities@virginia.edu.
Email studentactivities@virginia.edu Questions? Email studentactivities@virginia.edu