Early Background JEFFERSON Lived a very good life on Virginia plantation Prodigy: by age 9, fluent in Italian, French, Spanish, Greek & Latin HAMILTON Born in Caribbean; father unknown Fearful, insecure kid; fighting for survival Clerk in an import/export business
Became an economist & investment banker in Manhattan, N.Y. Background (cont.) JEFFERSON Became a Virginia planter, philosopher and statesman HAMILTON Officer in Rev. War Became an economist & investment banker in Manhattan, N.Y.
Background Shapes Personality JEFFERSON Agriculture is chaotic, dependent on nature, and unpredictable HAMILTON Military background = organization & structure Banking is all about stability & predictability
Thoughts on Education JEFFERSON Intrinsic value “Education makes you a more complete person.” HAMILTON Extrinsic value “How are you going to use your education to prosper?”
DEMOCRATIC- REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS JEFFERSON Supporters: Poor families-- small farmers & city workers HAMILTON Supporters: Rich families-- large landowners and wealthy businessmen
DEMOCRATIC- REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS JEFFERSON Most supporters located in… Southern states (rural) HAMILTON Most supporters located in… New England (urban)
DEMOCRATIC- REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS JEFFERSON Vision of the Future: America should be a country of virtuous farmers who own the land Independent Isolated (from other countries, nations) HAMILTON Vision of the Future: Develop manufacturing to compete with Europe & become self-sufficient (handle things on our own)
DEMOCRATIC- REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS JEFFERSON Expand west Use the land No one else has our natural resources Trade overseas for manufactured goods HAMILTON Manufacturing provides work for excess labor-- it’s a way out of poverty
DEMOCRATIC- REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS JEFFERSON Who should run the govt.? WEAK central gov’t. & strong state gov’ts. The gov’t. should be controlled by the “common man” HAMILTON Who should run the govt.? STRONG central gov’t. & weak state gov’ts. The gov’t. should be controlled by the rich and well-born because they are better educated and prepared
DEMOCRATIC- REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS JEFFERSON Raising money: Sell western lands Opposed taxes No National Bank! It favors the rich. HAMILTON There should be high taxes & a National Bank to organize money
Alien & Sedition Acts 1798 Aliens: immigrants who were not citizens bet were living in the nation Some questions their loyalty if went to war with France Many were anti-British Passed by President John Adams Meant in part to destroy Jefferson’s Republican party
Alien & Sedition Acts 1798 Naturalization Act: - required 14 years of residency to become a citizen, not 5 Alien Acts: - allowed president to imprison aliens or send out of the country anyone deemed dangerous to American peace
Alien & Sedition Acts 1798 Alien Enemies Act: - Allowed war-time arrest and deportation of anyone who is a subject of another nation Sedition Act: - made it a crime to speak, write, or publish “false, scandalous, and malicious” criticism of the government
Alien & Sedition Acts 1798 Effects of the Acts: Discouraged immigration, and some left America Convicted newspaper editors who criticized the Federalists Reaction to Acts: - Opposition to Federalist party grows - Led to movement to allow states to overturn federal laws
DEMOCRATIC- REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS JEFFERSON In the conflict between Britain & France… Favored France HAMILTON In the conflict between Britain & France… Favored Britain
Final Views Going into the Election of 1800 JEFFERSON Farming is more important than business & industry The Alien & Sedition Acts take away freedom of speech & press Angry that Britain is still capturing American ships & sailors HAMILTON Created a dependable money system Increased trade & industry Set up a smooth-running gov’t. Earned the respect of foreign nations Made peace w/ Britain
QUIZ: Quotes of Hamilton & Jefferson (on the back of the notes packet Write your name, date, period Use your notes to determine who made each statement (write “J” or “H” next to the #) You MUST circle key words in each statement that give you clues to the answer You may work w/ ONE partner
QUIZ: Quotes of Hamilton & Jefferson EXAMPLE: “Those who labor the earth are the chosen people of God… if He ever had a chosen people.” “…it may be inferred that manufacturing establishments… occasion a positive augmentation of the produce & revenue of a society”