GROUP MEMBERS Saira Khalid ( 0001) Sadia Latif (0002) Sana Riaz (0004) MBA S1
“Analyzing the Impact of Colored Packaging on Consumer Quality Perception and Buying Behavior”
KEYWORDS: Colored Packaging, Quality Perception, Consumer Buying Behavior
To evaluate the importance of product color packaging in marketing RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the importance of product color packaging in marketing To understand the effects of packaging on buying behavior of customer To know the importance of color in international market framework To define the gender-wise and age-wise impact on choice of product relative to color packaging
Introduction to Research Topic: Sr. No. Author’s Name Year Title 1 Ricardo Pires 2008 Very important for unknown goods Good perception and purchase 2 Sabeehullah shah Two purposes of Packaging: Protect Attract 3 Rundh 2005 Package builds the quality perception 4 Rizwan Raheem, Vishnu 2014 Components of packaging Color packaging material Innovations Brand name Fonts Information about product
Introduction to Research Topic: Sr. No. Author’s Name Year Title 5 Okan Ackay Rizwan Raheem 2012, Importance of packaging emphasized 6 Packaging is important for Unknown products 7 Nilson and Ostrom 2005 Eye catching colors attracts more 8 Peter 1994 Direct way of communication
Introduction to Research Topic: Sr. No. Author’s Name Year Title 9 Garber 2000 Communication and Market share 10 Danger 1987 Visual aid for building perception of package 11 Schmitt &Simonson 1997 Identity of product Influence quality of product Influence buying behavior 12 Okan Ackay 2012 Buying depends upon actual product Value expensive products
LITERATURE REVIEW Color packaging Product package elaboration Color and gender Choice of color and age Color perception and buying behavior Product packaging and quality perception
COLOR PACKAGING Kojina 1996 Sr. No. AUTHOR Year FINDINGS 1 PETERS, M. 1994 Packages are used for communication in markets 2 MITUL & BHAVESH 2012 A package that makes the customer feel good is effective and takes attention of consumer. 3 Ricardo Pires 2008 Attractive package can influence the customer if customer is not already familiar with product and its benefits. 4 Kojina 1996 The advertisement will stimulate customer perception and color will attract the customer. But color of product is far more affective.
PRODUCT PACKAGE ELABORATION Sr. No. AUTHOR Year FINDINGS 1 Rita Kuvikaite et al, 2009 That elements of packaging can be divided as visual and verbal, both of these can affect the consumer behavior. Time preference and the type of goods are also important here. Goods may be having a household use or it may be a valued item, customer considers packaging for household goods more important so marketers give preference to effective packaging of household items. 2 Silayoi and Speece 2007) Customer’s mind set must be considered for influencing his purchasing decisions affected by package
COLORS AND GENDERS Sr. No. AUTHOR Year FINDINGS 1 Okan, Paul and M. Halim 2012 For females, colors are considered as more important as compared to men. 2 Khouw 2002 Men were more tolerant of gray, white or black than women, and women reacted to the combinations of red and blue more frequently. 3 Okan Akcay, Qian Sun Many countries like China, Canada, USA, India, Turkey were studied for this purpose and the result was same.
CHOICE OF COLOR AND AGE Sr. No. AUTHOR Year FINDINGS 1 Okan, Paul and M. Halim 2012 Colors are considered as especially important for youngsters and as the age grows, the importance of color is decreased and mostly men above 60 years stick to black, blue and grey. 2 Syed Fathollah, Roya Honari et. al 2014 That consumer’s behavior while shopping and selecting various products highly depends on age of the customer and choice of colors for shopping also varies as the age grows. That’s why choice of color is different for children and adults.
Sr. No. Author Year Research Findings 1 Syed Fathollah, Roya Honari 2014 Customer makes the decision of purchasing a product based on different factors and color is one of them 2 SarahTornetta, Tess Fox, Jordan Blackbird 2009 Overall disliking and liking also varies with color perception 3 OkanAkcay, D.B.A. 2013 2013 Value expressive products like IPods, Laptops, PlayStations, Camera are preferred in black mostly 4 Ampuero & Vila, 2006 Consumer’s buying Behavior depends mainly on the color packaging of the products 5 OkanAkcay et. al 2012 Different interpretations of different colors are found in different areas among different people 6 Channa Leichtling Product success and failure is directly associated with the packaging color
Product packaging and Quality Perception
1994 2008 2012 Sr. No. Author Year Research Findings 1 Ricardo Pires If the shape, color of the product are good then it will give good perception about quality 2 Sable, Paul andAkcay, Okan 2010 Color is one of the tool to attract customers because it is a simple way of communicating the quality and building customer’s perception related to brand 3 Mitul M. Deliya& Mr. Bhavesh J. Parmar 2012 Product package and quality are directly related to each other and it gains customer attention. 4 Kojina et al. 1996 People select the brand whose package colors are more appealing to them 5 Gordon et al. 1994 Brand choice somehow depends on color of the package and colors indicate the quality that brands carry. 6 The perception of quality of product will enhance if the shape and color of the package is effective.
Hypothesis: Hypothesis No. 1: H1: Colored Packaging influences Consumer Buying Behavior about the product. Hypothesis No. 2: H2: Colored Packaging influences Quality Perception about the product.
Research Methodology
SURVEY APPROACH Population: Faisalabad Sample: Students and Teachers of University of Central Punjab, Faisalabad Total Questionnaires: 150 Returned questionnaires: 104
The detail of the sample Select your Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 15-20 54 51.9 21-30 37 35.6 87.5 31-40 10 9.6 97.1 41-50 1 1.0 98.1 51-60 2 1.9 100.0 Total 104
Sample Distribution According To Gender Please select your Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Male 50 48.1 Female 54 51.9 100.0 Total 104
Instruments and Scales: Data collection : Questionnaires Scale : Likert Scale Software: SPSS 20 ᵅ = 0.7 but the reliability of our results shows that it is 0.4. Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items N of Items .426 .423 13
Research Models and Variables: Independent Variable Colored Package Dependent Variable Buying Behavior Quality Perception
Theoretical Framework: Colored Packaging Consumer Buying Behavior Quality Perception
Statement of results:
Demographics: The sample consisted of 50% male population and 53% female population
Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Color of packaging is very important for you while shopping 104 1.00 4.00 1.8173 .90053 Products with attractive colored packaging get attention at first sight 1.5385 .68156 Purchase decisions can be made ignoring color of packaging 5.00 2.7115 1.07643 Other factors (shape of package, label of package, etc.) are considered more important than color 2.4712 .93432 Color of packaging is important for luxury goods (Laptop, Tabs, Smartphones) only. 2.6154 1.27186 Your favorite product color influence your buying behavior 2.2308 1.08145 Color that attracts you while shopping (luxury goods) 6.00 2.8846 1.77528 Color that attracts you while shopping (non-luxury goods) 3.6731 1.87701 Valid N (listwise)
INTERPRETATION According to the above table, most of the people agree that packaging has some influence on them. The deviation from this response is 0.9 and 0.6 which shows that the response can move either to neutral or to “strongly agreed”. As far as buying behavior in this table is concerned, the responses of people move between agreed to neutral. And deviation from this response is approximately 1. Most of the people prefer black and white color of packaging. Some people also prefer red color of packaging for their product as the deviation from the response of black is 1, which indicates red or white color.
Statistics Colored packaging predicts quality of product. Decent colored packaging shows higher quality of products. Low quality products come in sharp colors. If you find color of your choice, you ignore the quality aspect while shopping? N Valid 104 Missing Mean 2.5385 2.1827 2.6923 3.5962 Std. Deviation 1.11410 1.03121 1.10670 1.16185 Minimum 1.00 Maximum 5.00
INTERPRETATION: Quality aspect of this study shows that quality is somehow related with the product packaging as the response of people fall between agreed and neutral category. Most of the people believe that high quality is indicated by decent colors of packaging and vice versa. But people consider quality of the product more important than color of the packaging to make any purchase decision.
Choices about colors:
Descriptive Statistics Correlation: Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Color of packaging is very important for you while shopping 1.8173 .90053 104 Products with attractive colored packaging get attention at first sight 1.5385 .68156
Color of packaging is very important for you while shopping Correlations Color of packaging is very important for you while shopping Products with attractive colored packaging get attention at first sight Pearson Correlation 1 .352** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 104 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
INTERPRETATION In the above table, the value of correlation co-efficient is 0.352 and level of significance is 0.00 showing that there is moderate correlation between two variables. And value of P is less than 0.05 showing the significant relationship between two variables
Descriptive Statistics BUYING BEHAVIOR Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Purchase decisions can be made ignoring color of packaging 2.7115 1.07643 104 Other factors (shape of package, label of package, etc.) are considered more important than color 2.4712 .93432 Color of packaging is important for luxury goods (Laptop, Tabs, Smartphones) only. 2.6154 1.27186 Your favorite product color influence your buying behavior 2.2308 1.08145
Purchase decisions can be made ignoring color of packaging Correlations Purchase decisions can be made ignoring color of packaging Other factors (shape of package, label of package, etc.) are considered more important than color Color of packaging is important for luxury goods (Laptop, Tabs, Smartphones) only. Your favorite product color influence your buying behavior Pearson Correlation 1 .030 .145 -.026 Sig. (2-tailed) .760 .142 .796 N 104 -.132 -.032 .182 .749 .164 .096
INTERPRETATION In the above table overall, there is no significant relationship exists between color of packaging and buying behavior as per the responses of sample.
Descriptive Statistics QUALITY Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Colored packaging predicts quality of product. 2.5385 1.11410 104 Decent colored packaging shows higher quality of products. 2.1827 1.03121 Low quality products come in sharp colors. 2.6923 1.10670 If you find color of your choice, you ignore the quality aspect while shopping? 3.5962 1.16185
Colored packaging predicts quality of product. Correlations Colored packaging predicts quality of product. Decent colored packaging shows higher quality of products. Low quality products come in sharp colors. If you find color of your choice, you ignore the quality aspect while shopping? Pearson Correlation 1 .471** .120 .177 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .225 .072 N 104 .186 .054 .059 .586 .076 .443 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
INTERPRETATION Analyzing whole of the table in summarized form, we came to know that significant relationship exists only in two variables, i.e, color of packaging with respect to quality perception but this relationship is ignorable because none of the other questions related to quality showed the significant relationship.
Conclusions and Summary: The overall results of correlation shows that packaging has zero relationship with buying behavior and quality perception in Faisalabad, mostly people do not bother the color of packaging for making purchase of any type either it includes luxury items or fast moving consumer goods. Females somehow consider color for purchasing items of their interest but males usually make decision without considering color of packaging. These statistics show results of people of Faisalabad only. Whole population of Pakistan may be different from the results that are shown.
Limitations to the Study: Non Response Error Study of Just One University and a college Only one city target from Pakistan Time Limitation
Appendices: Questionnaire used for data collection