Your Thumbprint Isn’t The Same as Mine: Using Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga as a CTRS Alysha A. Walter, MS, CTRS, LVCYT Marieke Van Puymbroeck, Ph.D., CTRS, FDRT, LVCYT Clemson University Recreational Therapy MVP & ALY
Presentation Outline Introduction Why we chose to become LVCYT’s Introduction to LVCY LVCY guided participation Wrap up and questions ALY
What this session is not… Training to do it w/o additional training. Hard core practice. MVP
What this session is… Participants will be able to define what chair yoga is. Participants will be able to instruct two chair yoga poses after participation. Participants will be able to state three benefits of chair yoga as a recreational therapist. Hopefully fun and enjoyable. Able to be adapted to everyone here! ALY
Introduction MVP
Introduction of audience Who are you? (name, where you work) Why are you interested in this session? Do you practice yoga now? If so, what kind and how frequently? Have you incorporated yoga into your work setting? If so, how? ALY
Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga Teacher Training Available online (via skype) or in person Upcoming: Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Lenox MA May 30th - June 3rd June 5th – June 10th Not Yoga Alliance accredited as YTT- offered as Continuing Education for Yoga Alliance Materials received when you take the teacher training ALY
Key Tenets of LVCY Yoga master Patanjali’s philosophy Your thumbprint is different than mine Chair yoga can be life changing Chair yoga is not just one person in one chair Modifications at 3-5 levels Adaptations for all postures, including Savasana MVP
Key Tenets of LVCY Sit on the chair, not in it Focus on: lengthening, strengthening, stretching, expanding, extending Never put the head below the heart Don’t cross your legs Bp increases and prana is cut off from part of your body MVP
Key Tenets of Yoga 1. Yama- guidelines for engaging with others Ahimsa- non-violence Satya- truthfulness Brahmacharya- moderation Asteya- non-stealing Aparigraha- non-attachment MVP
Key Tenets of Yoga 2. Niyama- things to cultivate, observe, rules of personal behavior Saucha- purity Santosha- contentment Tapas- austerity Swadhyaya- study of self and scriptures Ishvara-pranidhana- surrender to the divine MVP
Key Tenets of Yoga Asana Pranayama Pratyahara- w/d of our senses from the world to hear inner voice more clearly Dharna- mastery of attention and intention- we are what we think. Dhyana- meditation Samadhi- state of pure, unbounded awareness MVP
Examples of asanas adapted to chair Tadasana Warrior I Warrior II Extended side angle Peaceful warrior Tree Eagle ALY
Guided Practice Get comfy! MVP
RT Process Assessment Planning Implementation Evaluation Outcomes? Balance, Flexibility, Strength, HRQOL, QOL, Depression, Anxiety Planning Goals Implementation Evaluation ALY
Chair Yoga and Related Resources Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga – Get fit where you sit! Accessible Yoga Conference (on Facebook). Santa Barbara, CA, September 16-18, 2016. Bridgebuilders to Healthcare (on Facebook, we need to be friends so I can add you to the group!). Friend me: Marieke Van Puymbroeck Chancellor. MVP
Want more? Want to be a yoga researcher? Join me at Clemson! One of the best jobs around! SERIOUSLY! MVP
Questions? MVP & ALY
NAMASTE The light in me recognizes and bows to the light in you. MVP & ALY