Chapter 11: Poetry Writing Prepared by Kathleen Luttenegger, PhD.
Formula Poems Provide a skeleton for children’s writing “I wish…” Color Poems Five-Senses Poems “If I Were…” “I used to… / But now I…” “___________ is…” Preposition Peoms
Free-From Poems Words and phrases pu together withou concern for rhyme, repetition, or other patterns Concrete Poems—combining art and writing Found Poems—using words from an article, song, or story Poems for Two Voices
Syllable and Word Count Poems Haiku 17 syllables arranged in 3 lines 5-7-5 Cinquains 5 line poem with 22 syllables 2-4-6-8-2 Diamantes 7 line poem Line 1: Noun (subject) Line 2: 2 Adjectives Line 3: 3 –ing words telling about the subject Line 4: 4 nouns (2 about subject, 2 opposites) Line 5: 3 –ing words about the opposite Line 6: 2 Adjectives about the opposite Line 7: Noun (opposite of subject)
Rhymed Verse Poems Limericks Clerihews 5 lines a-a-b-b-a rhyme; b lines are shorter Clerihews 4 lines to describe a person Line 1: The person’s name Line 2: Rhymes with line 1 Lines 3 and 4: Rhyme with each other
Model Poems Apologies Invitations Prayers from the Ark “If I Were in Charge of the World…:
Poetic Devices Comparison (similes and metaphors) Alliteration Onomatopoeia Repetition Rhyme