Survey: Report highlights Presentation to RSCA Executive meeting March 23, 2017 By John Brayman
Survey Objectives & Design Determine areas of opportunity, and actions to be taken by the RSCA and community stakeholders 9 questions were asked, covering… Ranking of pressing issues Security concerns & Ottawa Police Service (OPS) engagement Facilities and activities for youth Facilities and services for seniors Seniors housing Safety on arterial roads Snow maintenance Parking Suggestions for the RSCA and community stakeholders
A glimpse of results 224 respondents
Safety and Security Q2: Security concerns & Ottawa Police Service (OPS) engagement Citizens in favor of having a community meeting including the Ottawa Police Service: (number of respondents=224)
Youth and Seniors Q3: Facilities and activities for youth Yes (there are enough) 22.32% (50 respondents) No (not enough) 77.68% (174 respondents) Q4: Facilities and services for seniors Yes: 48.66% (109 respondents) No: 51.34% (115 respondents) Q5: Seniors housing (104 respondents) Preferred housing types = wide spectrum (rental and owned) Care facilities of all types = transitional, retirement, nursing, chronic
Roads Q6: Safety on arterial roads (175 respondents, 301 suggestions!)
Road conditions Q7: Snow maintenance (191 respondents) Greater enforcement of the parking by-law on overnight parking during snow clearing operations More attentions to sidewalk clearing and keeping snow banks down More salt used at bus shelters and sidewalks Q8: Parking (194 respondents) Total Ok, good, or excellent; minimal issues (especially on streets with single family homes, villas) 104 Not good; on 'tight' streets (multi-dwelling units, etc.); parking should only be allowed on one side of the street 90
Suggestions for the RSCA + Community Stakeholders Stakeholders should increase communication: in-person, print, media (traditional & social), and web RSCA should maintain its transparency: open-door meetings, publications, position statements, and events Focus on the betterment of: Transportation systems, infrastructure, and safety Recreation programs and centres for youth and seniors Security: OPS; Neighbourhood Watch / Block Parent; park lighting Schools: particularly having an English Public Secondary School Businesses: Diversity. More consumer choice, competition, jobs, and increasing the RS ‘shop-local’ community feel
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