Feeding problem with Tongue Tie identified Royal Berkshire Hospital (RBH) Midwife/Health Visitor (HV) support with positioning and attachment & signpost to peer support at local drop in group. Encourage mother to safeguard her milk supply by expressing milk as necessary. Many West Berkshire, Wokingham and Reading mothers can access the Breastfeeding Network Peer Support Project by phoning 0750 146 6818 or email: reading peersupport@breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk Baby under 6 weeks Parent self-refer to Royal Berkshire Hospital Breast Feeding Clinic (BFC) for assessment. If Frenulotomy is needed an appointment will then be made for the procedure. Ring 0118 322 7295 Baby over 6 weeks General Practitioner (GP) or HV referral to Mr W Flannery Paediatric Surgeon, RBH for assessment and probable tongue tie release. Fax 0118 322 7147 or phone 0118 322 3051/3065/3551 OR email CAT1@royalberkshire.nhs.uk subject heading Tongue Tie Patients GP ensure 6/52 check completed prior to procedure Local HV & /or continued peer support as necessary. Record in Personal Child Health Record and electronic record . For more advice contact RBH Infant feeding team: 0118 322 8314 infantfeeding.team@royalberkshire.nhs.uk Other centres offering assessment and treatment of Tongue Tie listed at www.babyfriendly.org.uk