So, what is Playtesting? Playtesting is something the designer performs throughout the entire design process to gain an insight into how players experience the game.
Game Test Cycles - 1 Alpha test cycles Can be applied when game product has a least one playable logic path Basic user interface should be complete Game should run on minimum hardware configuration Test multiplayer functions if called for Game installer should work and draft manual should exist
Game Test Cycles - 1 Alpha test cycle objectives Test all modules for current product version Create a defect database and test plan Record known defects and performance test results
Game Test Cycles - 2 Beta test cycles Applied after all game features and options have been implemented Game allows testers to navigate all logic paths to allow removal of most game termination defects Final game interface, artwork, and audio should be present Final game installer and manual exist
Game Test Cycles - 2 Beta test cycle objectives Isolate significant defects and performance problems Complete testing, defect removal, and performance testing Complete compatibility testing
Game Test Cycles - 3 Gold release candidates Applied after senior management has reviewed product and defect database All program features will be present Performance is appropriate for release Online documentation is complete All major defects removed Game runs on all supported platforms
Game Test Cycles - 2 Gold release candidate objectives Successful playtesting will occur Similar to acceptance testing, except that publisher determines criteria not end users End product will be potentially shippable Gold release candidate will be classified as a baseline work product (therefore changes are quite risky and must be approved by all stakeholders)
Playtesting Game testers play the game and try to user game features in the same way as end users Use game manual and see if game installs according to written directions See if game plays according to game manual instructions Playtesting needs to take place without coaching
Playtesting Goals Playtesting follows software testing Is the game fun? Are there problems with game mechanics? Software Testing + More Tuning game play Tuning game flow experience Does the player the point of the game?
Pragmatics Playtesting is not the same as debugging (which is very code oriented) Better to have a game that plays well and crashes occasionally, than a game that runs great and has a boring ending Testers must feel that developers are reacting to their feedback and criticism in an egoless manner
Methods of Playtesting One-on-One Testing – You sit down with each tester and look over their shoulder. Group Testing – Have a group play your game and you ask them questions. Feedback Forms – Give each tester a standard list of questions.
Methods of Playtesting Interviews – You sit down with each tester and give them an in-depth oral interview. Open Discussion – You conduct a discussion group after testers have played the game. You take notes.
Who is the right playtester? Need a person who can explain the reasons behind his or her likes and dislikes General impressions (e.g it was fun) are not very helpful It is helpful to involve first time users since they can often spot usability problems and poor game play quickly
Possible Testers Development team members and test team members may not be the best play testers (if they don’t match intended game audience profile) They are motivated to improve the product and know what needs to be tested
Team Structure Fundamental issue create willful blindness Have testing team members be different from your coders is vital Separate software testing team Separate playtesting team Separate SQA group(?)
External Testers Do they like the game? They may lie to you Politeness effect If they can’t say why they like a game feature, you have a problem When/where do they get frustrated? What common areas? Often skill-based Internal team judges player’s skill, also
Focus Groups Representative sample of target audience for game product Need to determine what feedback is needed back from target audience Can provide feedback on key screen displays, storyboards, interface prototypes early in the design process Early feedback on gameplay can shape direction of final product with less rework
Testing protocol The actual game was deliveried to players after read instructions. Players had 5 to 10 mins to read instructions and got familar with the game. Observers observed during the whole testing period and gave players certain help when they had problems. When players required questions, observers had to write down those questions for later data analysis and then provided them help.
Guided or Unguided Unguided Guided Testers play game without restrictions Better used later in the development process Guided Testers given specific tasks to accomplish Used early in development or during regression testing
Testing protocol Tasks: Playing in individuals. Player played this game in comfortable environment. The playing period was about 10 to 15 minute per person. After game completion, players need to fill in questionnaire.
Outcomes When play testers can not progress in game the designer should try to figure out the reason If the game is too hard, it needs to be simplified If play testers are doing unexpected things and the results are entertaining the new features should be added to the game
The horizontal axis is a continuum between skill and chance. The Play Matrix The horizontal axis is a continuum between skill and chance. The vertical axis is a continuum between mental calculation and physical dexterity.
The Play Matrix We chose those two because they are core aspects of interactive experiences, and all games can be plotted along them. It’s best to use the play matrix as a tool for stimulating discussion and analyzing gameplay.
The Play Matrix
Advice Don’t get defensive! Testers: Stick to your findings! The tester opinion is important Testers: Stick to your findings! Respectfully point out problems Mix up the hardware Be honest about the specs on the box Don’t let bad decisions live forever!
Ignore Your Ego The most difficult part about this process will be learning to listen without responding to every point. Most designers have the overpowering urge to become defensive. They don’t want anyone criticizing their baby and will do anything to elicit positive feedback.
Conducting Welcome the playtesters Remind the playtesters that you are testing the game, not their skill. Any difficulties in playing the game will help you to improve the game. Ask them to talk outloud. When they are finished playing, interview them. Thank them
EXERCISE Take an existing game and create two new games by modify the original game to suit two new target audiences. As little of the gameplay should be changed but major changes may be done in theme, graphics, and story. Blind people --Mountain Climbers Conservative Fundamentalist Christians Conservative Fundamentalist Muslims Philosophers Fashion Models
EXERCISE create a new game from a given game by: • removing a central game mechanic • adding a new game mechanic • modifying the result to a playable game • retaining as much as possible of the original gameplay