RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Arusha, Tanzania (GHANA) Awudu Razak 2 – 5 December 2013
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Status of progress with implementing the national self-assessment of the regulatory infrastructure for safety: Status of the first life cycle Respondent Teams have finished working on the modules - Dec 2012. Analysis Teams have also finished analysing the reports from the Respondent Teams - June 2013. The reports from the Analysis Teams has been submitted to the Project Management Team. No Action plan has been drawn yet but will do so as soon as the Project Management Team studies the reports and the recommendations.
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Composition of Project Management Team (PMT) The Director The Deputy Director Managers of Centres/Head of Division Heads of Administration, Audit and Accounts Chief Technologist Composition of respondent team(s) There were 7 Respondent Teams (One for each of the modules). Each Team had 5 members.
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Composition of analysis team(s) There were 7 Analysis Teams (One for each of the modules). Each Team had 5 members Modules selected for the first self-assessment cycle All the 7 modules Core Questions Radiological Protection in Medical Exposure Emergency Preparedness and Response Radiological Protection in Occupational Exposure Public and Environmental Radiological Protection Research Reactor Transport of Radioactive Materials
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Challenges: Training / understanding Staff has been given some training and have the basic understanding of the SAT Methodology. Personnel RPB/RPI has enough personnel to carry out the Respondent and Analysis phases. But the problem has been to get all members of the team to meet. Time 2 hours every working day has been allocated to the teams to work. Technology (computers, etc.) Initially a dedicated laptop was used by all the teams, but the arrangement did not help the teams in doing their work efficiently since the laptop can only be used by one team at a time.
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Challenges: Technical (software, question-sets) Installation of SAT, Saving of answers and Attachments of documents is very slow . Different version of the SAT from the IAEA. External (i.e. other organisations, cooperation, etc.) RPB is the mandated organisation to regulate all activities involving radioactive materials and irradiating devices in Ghana. RPB has signed MOUs with other organisations (Customs, Ghana Health Services, National Security) to help in the regulatory activities as spelt out in the LI. Others Staff motivation was not there. Staff had a lot to do. Aside the regulatory function staff were also involved in research and development activities.
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Project outputs and outcomes: Findings (explain during your presentation) The existing laws and legal instruments are not compatible with international standards and guidance. Benefits (explain during your presentation) Benefitted a lot in the drafting of the new Regulatory Bill.
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Notable outcomes (such as improved staff knowledge of the IAEA Standards, unexpected findings, …) The knowledge of staff in terms of IAEA Standards, Acts and LI has improved considerably. Changes made in activities / organisation / functioning of the Regulatory Body Ghana has drafted a new bill and is before parliament to be passed into law. All the findings from the first SAT was taken on board during the drafting of the new bill.
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Improvements to regulatory infrastructure: Implementation of improvements identified by self-assessment undertaking – progress Improvement identified in earlier SAT report has been implemented. Results of actions implemented to date No actions have been recommended yet. Improvements planned All the recommendations from the previous SAT have taken considered during the drafting of the new Bill.
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Other project benefits: Training courses Regional Training Course on Self-Assessment of National Regulatory Infrastructure, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 3-7 December 2007. Regional (AFRA) Training Course on Self-Assessment of National Regulatory Infrastructures for Safety, Abuja, Nigeria, 15-19 June 2009. Regional Experience Exchange on the Self-Assessment Exercise, Niamey, Niger, 29 August - 02 September 2011 Regional Workshop on Exchange of Good Practices and Self-assessment Result for Improvement of Regulatory Performance, Mombasa, Kenya, 10-14 December 2012
RAF9038 Final Coordination Meeting Relevant observations: Areas of common concern to be addressed in other similar projects Staff motivation, Allocated time, Number of staff involved, Duties of staff