The water cycle- where does water come from. Where does it go The water cycle- where does water come from? Where does it go? Can you make water disappear?
Very simple cycle - evaporation > Condensation > Precipitation Very simple cycle - evaporation > Condensation > Precipitation. Why not make your own water cycle and put it up in your window.
WATER IN YOUR HOUSE COMES FROM: Drilled wells Dug wells Reservoirs Lakes Rivers Tap water: Where does the water in your house come from? (McAskill Brook Dam Reservoir) Image:
BOTTLED WATER Takes 3L to package 1L Where do bottles end up? Tap water tastes good and is much cheaper! Bottled water: ask kids if they think bottled water is better or worse for the environment than tap water. Why? …It takes 3L of water to produce 1L in a plastic bottle
WonderGrove Kids:
HOW CAN WE WASTE LESS WATER? Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. Take short showers and fix leaky taps. How can we use less water?- get them to guess how they can waste less or use less water based on the pictures. Images from:,, , Water the garden during the cool parts of the day. Eat all your food and waste less!
WATER USED TO PRODUCE FOODS 50L/ tomato 1020L/L 2250L/Kg 160L/ banana 2500L/ T-shirt 1260L/ pizza Water used to produce different products: Explain the tap or the hose aren’t the only places we use water in our lives. Sometimes we have to use water to grow a material, like wood or cotton in order to make clothing and furniture or to grow grain in order to feed animals so that we can eat meat. We can’t see the water that has been used to grow the food we eat and the products we buy so we don’t often think about how much water these things use. Have them guess how much it takes for each item. (Notes: the cheese on a pizza is a milk product so water would be used to grow the grain to feed the cow who makes the milk. 1kg of dry pasta is about as much as a family of 5 would eat in 1 sitting. 1kg of rice= 1 small bag of dry rice. Cotton requires a lot of water to grow and often the irrigation is not properly managed. Cotton is often grown in countries like India where water scarcity is a problem. 1kg of beef=5 8oz steaks) Data and images from: 200L/ egg 1850L/kg 15400L/kg
WHAT IS A WATER FOOTPRINT? WWF-Canada: Love to find another one for very young kids.
YOUR WATER FOOTPRINT PLEDGE Make your own or use Green Schools NS Water Footprint Pledge.
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CURRICULUM LINKS Grade 2 Streamlined Curriculum Competencies begin to develop an understanding of and contribute towards environmental sustainability Grade 2 Science Outcome 1 Students will investigate air and water in the environment: ask questions about air and water in the environment observe evaporation and condensation in the environment Grade 2 Social Studies Outcome 4 Students will demonstrate an understanding of sustainable development and its importance to communities (local)