Welcome to Mrs. Martin’s 7th / 8th Grade Math Class
Have you signed it yet??? If you haven’t already done so, please sign in and leave your email address. I try to check my email two or three times during the day, so it is a quick and easy way to contact me.
How to Contact Me Email mmartin@misd.org Phone 936-276-2001 Ext 80296 leave message 936-276-3300 Office Conference Time 10:45 - 11:13 11:45 - 12:10
My Background Bachelors Degree from Central Michigan University with Major in Accounting Teaching Certificate through Alternative Certification 6 years teaching in Magnolia Starting 11th year here in Montgomery Had 2 children graduate from this district
Daily Schedule Warm Up (usually graded) Correct homework (usually graded) New lesson 20+ minutes to start homework Assignments Monday through Friday, if not completed it becomes homework
Online Help Online Textbook – Pearson Texas Website http://destiny.misd.org *Choose MJH, then Math Textbook Username s12345 (Substitute lunch #) Password password1
Math Journal Math Journal is for math notes and handouts Need to have journals with them every day Can be used to help with homework
Grades I go through grades with students frequently to keep them informed Daily Grades (assignments) make up 13% of a student’s average Quizzes make up 20% of their average Major Grades (tests,projects) make up 67% of their average Progress Reports went home Sept 14 Report Cards will go home Oct 7
Pre-AP Grading In order to remain in a Pre-AP class, it is required that students maintain a 70 or above on every 6 week report card. If they don’t achieve the 70 or above they will be placed back in an on level class.
Make Up Work Students have number of days plus one to get makeup work turned in No late work will be accepted It is student’s responsibility to pick up missing assignments and to turn them in on time. All assignments are in pink file box in corner
Tutoring Tutoring is offered most Tuesdays from 2:45-3:30 and on Thursday from approximately 3:10 until 3:30 Students can go to any math teacher Must come with questions; tutoring is not an extra class. Help will be given on each students individual needs and questions
Tests Will be given at end of every section. There will be a review before every test For On Level classes there is a policy in place for you to earn back extra points on your test (see next slide) PreAP is only allowed 1 retest every 6 weeks to replace a low test grade. (No credit for Test Corrections). Retest is made up of same kind of problems and is approximately 10-12 problems The retest can be done during homework time or in tutoring. It must be done before the next test comes up. There will be a sign up sheet for retests Occasionally, at the end of a 6 weeks, there is not time for a retest. I will notify you in the event this happens.
On Level Test Correction Policy Earn ½ credit back for every question re-done with work supporting the correct answer. If the above will not improve your grade to a 70, you can earn a 70 by correcting all problems missed with an adequate explanation of how you missed the problem on the test (this is at teacher discretion ) Corrections must be done within a week of the test being returned to you If you do not complete the test review, you lose the opportunity to do test corrections Not all tests may have test correction points offered. Regaining credit through corrections is a privilege, not a right Cheating on a test will also cause you to lose the test correction opportunity.
Remind - Math
Remind – Pre-AP
Cell Phones Cell phones are not allowed to be used in class for any reason (texting, calling, music) Phones are to be turned OFF and placed out of sight before the bell rings. Per school policy, no phones are to be charged in the classroom.