COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT AND FAIR HOUSING PLENARY Neighborhood Preservation Coalition of New York State 2016 Annual Conference Housing is Key COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT ACT AND FAIR HOUSING PLENARY Lorraine Y. Collins Andrew M. Cuomo Assistant Commissioner/Director Governor Fair and Equitable Housing Office (FEHO) October 13, 2016 James S. Rubin Commissioner/CEO
Presentation Outline FEHO Overview Update – Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) What a Difference a Year Makes FEHO Fair Housing Activities FEHO Section 3 Activities
FEHO Overview
The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed on April 11, 1968…days after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the most noteworthy advocates for the legislation. Title VIII of the Act is known as the Fair Housing Act, which expanded on previous acts and prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental and financing of housing, based on race, religion, national origin, sex (and as amended), handicap and familial status. The Fair Housing Act serves two purposes: to eliminate housing discrimination and segregation and to promote integration nationwide.
Researches issues pertaining to housing and lending discrimination. 5/28/2015 FEHO is committed to removing barriers to fair housing at the state level and to continue to take meaningful actions to affirmatively further fair housing. FEHO: Looks at how the agency’s public investments affect the larger housing market and works to engage our partners to ensure affordable housing is available to all people in all areas of the State. Works with HCR program staff to develop policies, procedures and best practices to ensure compliance with federal requirements to affirmatively further fair housing. Promotes fair housing compliance and improves the understanding of fair housing laws through education and outreach, technical assistance (TA) and other training. Researches issues pertaining to housing and lending discrimination. Oversees Section 3 compliance of awardees to ensure that economic opportunities generated by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development financial assistance are, to the greatest extent feasible, directed to low- and very low- income persons. Under Governor Cuomo’s leadership, HCR created FEHO in January 2015 to help ensure New Yorkers have an equal opportunity to live in housing they desire and can afford regardless of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, sex, age, disability, marital status, or familial status.
Update - Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI)
AI for 2016-2020 Purpose Scope Methodology Key Findings
Purpose The AI process provides New York State with the data and information necessary to carry out its responsibility to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing The AI is a review of the laws, regulations, and administrative policies, procedures, and practices affecting the location, availability, and accessibility of housing, as well as an assessment of conditions that affect fair housing choice The AI was submitted to HUD in January 2016 This AI serves as the basis for fair housing planning, provides essential information to policy makers, administrative staff, housing providers, lenders, and fair housing advocates, and assists in building public support for fair housing efforts throughout the NYSEJ. NYSHCR will use it for direction, leadership, and resources for future fair housing planning. The AI will also serve as a point-in-time baseline against which future progress in terms of implementing fair housing initiatives will be evaluated and documented. DRAFT - Privileged & Confidential
Scope of the AI Covers New York State Entitlement Jurisdiction (NYSEJ) which consists of all or parts of 54 of the State’s 62 counties. The data and policy analysis in the AI mostly focuses on the NYSEJ. The remaining 8 counties, and more heavily populated cities, receive funding directly from HUD and manage their own AIs independently. The AI includes a discussion of AIs submitted by other Entitlement Jurisdictions across the State.
Methodology HCR utilized a comprehensive approach to data collection for the AI documents, including: Public Engagement Initiatives 17 public meetings across the State 19 interviews with agencies and organizations that provide housing and housing-related services to New York State residents Online surveys Housing and demographic data Municipal zoning regulations HCR administrative policies concerning housing and community development programming Approximately 480 individuals participated in the public engagement process in some way. Internally, HCR pulled together a comprehensive group of staff members to work with FEHO, the Policy Office and the contractor (Mullin and Lonergan) to provide programmatic expertise and data. DRAFT - Privileged & Confidential
Key Findings Lack of Affordable and Accessible Housing Lack of Fair Housing Knowledge and Education Insufficient Fair Housing Enforcement Disparity in Access to Community Assets Land Use and Development Regulations DRAFT - Privileged & Confidential
Key Findings (continued) Local “Not In My Backyard” or “NIMBY” Sentiment Entry Barriers into the Private Housing Market HCR Policies and Procedures Environmental Regulatory Requirements Technical Assistance for HUD Entitlement Jurisdictions
FEHO Fair Housing Activities
New and Improved Policies, Procedures 5/28/2015 New and Improved Policies, Procedures and Best Practices Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Checklist (CDBG) Criminal Conviction Assessment Design and Construction Certification Fair Housing Enforcement Program What a difference a year makes? Our 2015 conference highlights included -FEHO Internal Monthly Newsletter and Board presentations, NYS HUD Fair Housing Initiatives Program Groups outreach, FEHO Web Site…we’ve been busy
Education and Outreach, Technical Assistance and Training 5/28/2015 Education and Outreach, Technical Assistance and Training Criminal Conviction Assessment Webinar Regional Fair Housing Roundtables Regional Fair Housing Training Robust FEHO Web Page Quarterly Bulletin
Strategic Partnerships 5/28/2015 Strategic Partnerships NYS Division of Human Rights NYS Department of State Fair Housing Advocacy Groups NYS Association of Realtors
FEHO Section 3 Activities
Section 3 Compliance Section 3 Compliance Plan and Quarterly Reporting 5/28/2015 Section 3 Compliance Section 3 Compliance Plan and Quarterly Reporting Regional Section 3 Technical Assistance Sessions Section 3 Web Page Section 3 Business Concern Registry