Indicators of Health and Wellbeing in the Early Years Rory J Mitchell NHS Health Scotland Public Health Observatory Division: Part for the ScotPHO Collaboration
The ScotPHO Children & Young People Profiles Due 23rd Nov 2010!
National vs local data ……at local level Indicators for ScotPHO profiles (and beyond) need to be: Robust Relevant Consistent across Scotland ……at local level
Early years indicators Of 38 health & wellbeing indicators, 8 specifically relate to the early years: Infant mortality rate, <1 year Child dental health in primary 1 Child obesity in primary 1 Immunisation uptake at 24 months –MMR Immunisation uptake at 24 months - all excl MMR Babies exclusively breastfed at 6-8 weeks Mothers smoking during pregnancy Low weight live births A further 16 relate to an age range that includes the early years, and/or are relevant to this group.
Local data = local variation
Early years indicators: related work Children’s Mental Health Indicators (Jane Parkinson, NHS Health Scotland) Early Years Framework Data & Indicators Group (Scottish Government) Glasgow Profiles (NHS GG&C) Menu of local indicators for use in Single Outcome Agreements (SOLACE) Maternal & Infant Nutrition Strategy (Scottish Government)
Early years indicators: gaps in local data Physical activity Diet Play Mental health Development (emotional, cognitive, language) Peer and family relationships Parental mental health Etc.
Early years indicators: conclusions Value of local early years data: Understanding challenges Prioritising action Planning services Monitoring Strategies for improving local data: Optimising availability and promoting use of existing data Strengthening existing data systems Ensuring local data collection is synchronised Coordination of data requirements across policy areas
The ScotPHO Children & Young People Profiles Publications and data available on ScotPHO website from 23rd November: Rory J Mitchell NHS Health Scotland Public Health Observatory Division: Part for the ScotPHO Collaboration