LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE OF HEAD & NECK REGIONAL GROUPS Occipital Retroauricular (mastoid) Preauricular (parotid) Buccal (facial) Submandibular Submental Anterior cervical Superficial cervical Retropharyngeal Laryngeal Tracheal (pre & paratracheal) TERMINAL GROUPS Deep cervical lymph nodes
REGIONAL GROUPS OCCIPITAL: Site: at apex of posterior triangle Afferents: from back of scalp & auricle RETROAURICUALR (MASTOID) Site: over mastoid bone Afferents: from above auricle PREAURICULAR (PAROTID) Site: superficial & within parotid gland Afferents: from lateral surface of auricle, scalp above auricle, lateral parts of eyelids
REGIONAL GROUPS BUCCAL Site: along facial veins SUBMANDIBULAR Site: superficial to submandibular gland Afferents: from front of scalp, nose, cheeks, lips (except central part of lower lip), anterior 2/3 of tongue (except tip), teeth (except incisors), paranasal sinuses (except sphenoidal), floor of mouth SUBMENTAL Site: in submental triangle Afferents: from central part of lower lip, tip of tongue, incisors, skin over chin
REGIONAL GROUPS ANTERIOR CERVICAL Site: along anterior jugular veins Afferents: from skin & fasciae in front of neck SUPERFICIAL CERVICAL Site: along external jugular veins Afferents: from skin & fasciae over angle of mandible, lobule of ear, back of neck RETROPHARYNGEAL Site: retropharyngeal space (between pharynx & prevertebral fascia Afferents: from pharynx, auditory tube, sphenoidal sinus, prevertebral region
REGIONAL GROUPS LARYNGEAL Site: in front of larynx Afferents: from larynx, infrahyoid region TRACHEAL (PRE & PARA) Site: in front & on each side of trachea Afferents: from trachea, thyroid gland
DEEP CERVICAL LYMPH NODES SITE: embedded in fascia of carotid sheath, along internal jugular vein SUBDIVISIONS: Jugulo-digastric group: below posterior belly of digastric Jugulo-omohyoid group: below intermediate tendon of digastric EFFERENTS: form the jugular lymph trunk that drain into thoracic or right lymphatic duct