Revised Slide Template Lt Gen Al Peck Commander
Layouts Included in Template Next Several Slides show each background Backgrounds/graphics available AU Bldg 800 AU White AU Dark Subordinate Unit (Spaatz example)—Bldg 800 Subordinate Unit (Spaatz example)—White AU Balanced Score Card
Changes New footer Spacing Adjusted Multiple Backgrounds included Subordinate unit format Spaatz Example enclosed Bldg 800 Background
Standard Slides This slide is the standard background No background and blue background are included as optional layouts Title – Arial, Bold, 36 pt unless too long; no smaller than 32 Primary bullets – Arial, 28 pt Secondary Level – Arial, 24 pt Third Level – Arial, 20 pt should be the minimum size Use upper and lower case as required for emphasis and readability Bold text only for emphasis; do not use shadow “Fade Smoothly” is the standard for slide transitions
Standard Slides, con’t Colors Title – Dark Blue (Theme Color—Text 2) Body – Black (Theme Color—Text 1) Bullets and line spacing – use the default setting whenever possible Bullets 100% of text Insert spaces before and after dashes, slashes, and ellipsis unless you are writing an office symbol. For example, use “pilot / nav” and “AU/CC” Most importantly Be consistent within your presentation
Charts / Graphs Keep as simple as possible Use the space available ... bigger charts are easier to read Colors The primary colors for graphs are orange, green, and dark blue; if additional colors are needed, ensure they do not detract from the message Red normally indicates a problem area – avoid it unless it’s the message you wish to send Borders, axis values, and gridlines should be black
Graph Standard The graph should be created in a style to tell the story without explanation All text still in Arial – including all parts of the graph Include a legend and/or labels if not obvious Data over time should go left to right AF Standard=2.25 Widget Production against AF Standard Basic Production Information
Red/Yellow/Green Standard All text still in Arial Round buttons with no shape outline Include a legend to define what standard was applied to determine Red, Yellow, or Green If simply informational – use blue Widget Production Widget Distribution Widget Instillation Widget Utilization On Time Up to 1 week late More than 1 week late
Helpful Hints Dry run briefings on the equipment you will use Ensures computers can handle your presentation Colors may not project overhead as well as they do on your computer screen Only use graphics if they enhance the message of the slide
Questions? AU CCX Workflow