Settings for Straight Copy (No Charts, Graphs, Tables, etc.)
How to Shut Off Automatic Formatting
Set Your Tabs At .25", .50", .75", & 1"
Set Your Margins at 1"
Set Your Type Size At 12 point
Set Your Line Spacing At Single Space
Turn Off Word’s Infernal Extra Space between Paragraphs
Hit the “Enter” key h To Make Paragraphs (no ¶ indent) Twice
Make sure both “Before” and “After” read “0”
not “Auto”
Make sure to change “Multiple” linespacing to “Single”
not “Auto”
Set Your Typeface for Garamond
Suggested Typeface Charts, Graphs, Tables, Etc. Ariel Narrow
Bullet Lists: Enter the Bullet Then Hit the “Tab” Key
Ta Daa!