The Gilded Age Chap 15, Sec 3
The Gilded Age by Mark Twain and Charles Warner A. Good(Golden) i. characteristics B. Bad (Gilded) ii. characteristics
Contributions of the Gilded Age II. New Values A. Individualism i. Horatio Alger B. Social Darwinism i. Herbert Spencer ii. Charles Darwin- 1859 book iii. Laissez Fare Economics iv. Christian Views v. Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth Philantrophy
III. Realism- in Art and Literature A. Definition B. Thomas Eakins C III. Realism- in Art and Literature A. Definition B. Thomas Eakins C. William Deans Howells Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Fin- 1884 Henry James- Portrait of a Lady Edith Wharton- The Age of Innocence
IV. Popular Culture A. Saloon B. Amusement Parks- Coney Island C IV. Popular Culture A. Saloon B. Amusement Parks- Coney Island C. Baseball D. Football E. Basketball F. Vaudeville G. Music-Ragtime