“Vasil Levski” Secondary School Rousse, Bulgaria Discovering ІІІ Discovering and supporting dyslexia in the early years DISSEMINATION AND THE USE OF RESULTS Project Meeting Rome 30-31 May 2012
Third Comenius project For the school Discovering ІІІ - Third Comenius project
Informing the community about the project -show-case of the project materials -presentations of each project meeting - Bulgarian website, specially for the project www.dyslexiaproject.wordpress.com -published information on the websites of the co- partners -publications in newspapers
The project teamwork creation of the parent’s guide - consultation with parents of dyslectic individuals - consultation with professionals - collecting materials - consultation with the kindergarten teachers in the school -periodic testing of the prepared materials with the kindergarten teachers in the school and parents of dyslectic individuals
Informing the interested in the project brochures about the project - presentation about dyslexia, regularly played in the foyer of the school dissemination of the project materials among professionals through the websites of the co-partners -workshops for presenting the final product of the project with teachers and specialists from the city of Rousse/after 01.06.2012 /
DISSEMINATION AND THE USE OF RESULTS according to the application form
Results will be made available through the websites of the partner Development of Dissemination and Valorisation Framework Wide web dissemination Reports General publicity
Results will be made available through the websites of the partner according to the form implemented - the project website www.dyslexiaproject.wordpress.com - publications on the school website -online publications: ruse.info, dunavmost.bg -publications in newspapers schools, education authorities, government departments, teaching unions, the media.
www. dyslexiaproject.wordpress.com
www. dyslexiaproject.wordpress.com
portal- start.bg
Development of Dissemination and Valorisation Framework according to the form implemented Partner valorisation plans Final Conferences Plan of the team about the implemented activities Conversations with specialists Conversations with teachers Individual meetings for pilot testing Presentation to the colleagues from the school Final conference with teachers and specialists from the city of Rousse
Wide web dissemination according to the form implemented school website websites of co- partners Publishing a link to the project website of the school Published information about the project on the websites of the Center of dyslexia and Bulgarian dyslexia association www.dyslexia-center.eu www.bdarousse.wordpress.com
Reports according to the form implemented Web reports Printed versions Forum on the Bulgarian project website Opportunity for contact between interested in the project Opportunity for feedback with the project team Flyers about the project Newsletter on the biggest online information portal - Start.bg
General publicity according to the form implemented publicity for this project Presentation of the project on the websites of the co-partners Publication of information about the project on the portal- start.bg Visits of the Bulgarian website by now