Male Reproduction System
Male Reproductive Organ Function Scrotum Testes Seminiferous Tubules Epididymis Vas Deferens Vasectomy Seminal Vesicles Prostate Cowpers Gland Urethra Penis Foreskin Circumcision Rectum
What is the Function of the male reproduction system To produce and store sperm. To introduce the sperm to the female. Produce some of the hormones (Testosterone).
Scrotum The scrotum is the sac that hold the testes Loose, wrinkled pouch of skin that hangs behind and below the penis Primary function is to maintain the testes at approximately 2-4 degrees below normal body temperature. The ideal temperature for testes to produce sperm effectively is 96.8.
Testes Production of sperm Production of male hormone testosterone. Testicular Cancer for men ages 15-34.
Testicular Cancer The most common type of cancer in men aged 15 to 35. It is much more common in Caucasians than in African Americans and usually is diagnosed when a man is in his mid-30s. Warning Signs of Testicular Cancer: Small, hard lump on testicle (may be no larger than the size of a pea, usually painless). Feeling of heaviness in the scrotum. Dull ache in lower abdomen and groin. Change in size or consistency of testicle.
Testicular Exam A testicular self-exam (TSE) should be performed about once a month. After a warm shower or bath when the skin of the scrotum is most relaxed. Examine one testicle at a time, repeating the process described here. Use both hands to examine each testicle. Hold the testicle between the fingers and thumbs of the hands.
Testicular Exam Roll the testicle between the thumbs and fingers with a gentle pressure that causes no pain or discomfort. Examine both testicles regularly, at least once a month. Feel for any pea-sized lumps or other irregularities at the front and sides of the testicles. Learn the ropelike, tubular feel of the epididymis. If you feel a lump on the front or side of a testicle or if you feel pain or discomfort when performing the exam, contact your healthcare provider.
Seminiferous Tubules Tiny tubules located in the testicles, responsible for sperm production.
Epididymis The epididymis is a coiled segment of the spermatic ducts that serves to STORE, MATURE and transport sperm between the testis and the vas (the vas deferens).
Vas Deferens Long J shaped tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles. Site of Vasectomy Passage way for sperm only.
Seminal Vesicle Glands responsible for releasing a sugary like substance that nourishes the sperm on their journey.
Prostate Chestnut size gland located just below the bladder. Gland that release a alkaline fluid that protects the sperm from the high acidic levels inside the females body.
Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the second highest cause of cancer-related deaths in men. Men should be checked yearly starting at age 55. Men whose relatives have had prostate cancer are considered to be at high risk. Screening for prostate cancer should be started at age 40 in these men.
Cowper’s Gland Gland that release the pre-ejaculatory fluid that cleanses the urethra so the sperm can survive journey. The fluid also helps to reduce the acidity level in the females vagina. Sperm have been reported to be in this fluid
Urethra Passage way for urine to leave the body. Passage way for sperm to leave the body.
Penis Male Reproductive organ. When a male reaches puberty this organ begins to grow.
Erection When a man gets aroused sexually, blood flows into his penis at a faster rate than it flows out this causes the penis to get larger and harder. Spontaneous erections are erections that you get when you're not sexually aroused. Spontaneous erections seem to just pop up for no reason at all.
Erection A Spontaneous erection happena less and less frequently you get older.
Orgasm and Ejaculation Once a male reaches puberty he will experience nocturnal emissions (wet dream). When all of the organs work together the male will ejaculate semen from the penis.
Semen Semen is composed of three fluids Sperm Seminal Fluid Prostate Fluid
Foreskin Extra skin located at the tip of the penis. Removed for Religious and health reason.
Circumcision The removal of the excess skin on the tip of the penis. Mainly done for religious and health reasons. Men are believed to have less infections occur if this is done. A non circumcised penis must be properly cleaned to prevent infection.
Rectum Place for solid waste build up and removal.
Strange But True Penis Facts Average length of penis when not erect:3.5 inches. Average length when erect:5.1 Largest natural penis recorded: 11 inches. Smallest natural penis recorded 5/8 inches. Actual amount of semen per ejaculation 1-2 teaspoons. Average total amount of lifetime ejaculate: 14 gallons.
Strange But True Penis Facts Average amount of water it takes to fill a bathtub: 35 gallons. Average speed of ejaculation: 28 miles per hour. Average speed of city bus: 25 miles per hour. Average # of erections per day for a man: 11. Average # of erections during the night: 9. Yes, the penis does shrink in cold water. Blue Balls, or the term a man uses when he says his balls will explode if he doesn’t have sex, is TOTALLY FALSE