CJK test-bed study based on MPM December 11-12, 2008 Test-bed Ad-hoc Group Hideaki YAMADA KDDI (KDDI R&D Labs.)
Standardization (MPM, RACF) Q&A Topics Background Preparations - System installation - Study phases (Study scenarios) - Target services - Performance measurement - Schedule Standardization (MPM, RACF) Q&A
Background In order to investigate the technology integral to the worldwide services under the interconnected environment of the multiple NGNs owned by each country, we have been conducting both a test-bed study and a standardization study in ITU-T involving CJK. After the fundamental technical study of the test-bed, for example, we are planning to undertake an experimental demonstration.
System installation
Study phases (Study scenarios) 1 Phase I: 2006 3rd/4th Quarter (Completed) Network Connectivity Scenario 2 and 4 only (2 CS and 2 domains) Phase II: 2007 1st/2nd Quarter (Completed) Scenario 1, 3 (simpler version of 2 and 4, single domain) and 5 CJK NGN Test-bed Phase IV: 2008 3rd ~ 2009 2nd Quarter Performance Evaluation of RTP/RTCP-based MoIP and IPTV services Performance Monitoring Scenarios 6-3 and 6-4 Initial RACF Interoperability testing : Scenario 7 Testing of RACF and RTP/RTCP-based MPM Interactions IPTV Interoperability testing
Study phases (Study scenarios) 2 Note: Development of the ATCA (SBC of OKI Electric Industry) based MPM is planned. Scenario 6-2: Performance evaluation of MoIP service among CPEs Local testing of MPM (Provided by KDDI R&D Labs.) CPE-to-CPE performance evaluation Scenario 6-3: Performance evaluation of MoIP service with two MPMs CPE – MPM1 – MPM2 – CPE performance evaluation Scenario 6-4: Performance evaluation of MoIP service with three MPMs CPE – MPM1 – MPM2 – MPM3 – CPE performance evaluation Scenario 7: Testing of RACF and RTP/RTCP-based MPM Interactions e.g. Admission control Scenario 6-1: Performance evaluation of Network Segments Considering the target Services
Study phases (Study scenarios) 3
Concurrent (Multimodal) services Target services Quality and performance testing of the Multimedia over IP (MoIP) services Voice Video Audio (TBD) Concurrent (Multimodal) services Evaluation of the quality of service (QoS) and the application layer quality (QoE; Quality of Experience) in order to control streams of the FMBC (Fixed Mobile & Broadcast Convergence) services based on MoIP.
Performance measurement 1 Performance measurement can help: Find errors in end-to-end system Check the resource utilization and the work load of system Compare metrics regarding performance of different system deployments Provide a base for modeling the system Find system bottlenecks Optimize service network deployments
Performance measurement 2 Real-time QoS/QoE measurement and estimation benefit networking performance. Examples: QoS/QoE aware applications such as adaptive Video/Voice streams session control Handover triggering schemes for seamless services over IP-based FMC networks Pre-congestion management and congestion controls It is not only beneficial for Network operators & administrators, but also beneficial for Network equipment manufactures for testing and Networking application developers. Figure 2/G.1081 – IPTV Performance Monitoring Points
Performance measurement schemes We focus on non-intrusive (passive) schemes for QoE
Measurement points Single point measurements Two point Multipoint measurements (MPM case) Metrics Round trip (RT) performance •RT delay, RT jitter, RT packet loss, etc. •Service response time One-way performance Segment based Traffic statistics traffic load, throughput, number of packets, packet sizes Traffic statistics from both points In each segment For HTTP and TCP performance Requires synchronization for delay between measurement points Enables bottleneck identification Figure 2/G.1081 – IPTV Performance Monitoring Points
Measurement outputs by MPM 1
Measurement outputs by MPM 2 Example of the measurement logs
Standardization (MPM, RACF) Figure 1 ITU-T Y.2111(RACF IF(Rm, Ri, Rh))
Communications between MPM and RACF Approach to realize the communications between RACF and MPM Generic resource and admission control functional architecture is shown in figure 4. There are two options, Option A and Option B. as follows. We propose the option A or the option B and both options should be considered to achieve communications between RACF and MPM. Option A: Extension of the Rc in RACF Extending Rc to allow symmetric communication so that performance measurement information for target media flow (s) can be requested by TRC-FE to MPM. For such extension, the currently defined Rc protocols such as SNMP and COPS may not meet the new requirements and MPM’s Mu reference point is used to interact with Rc reference point in this case. Option B: Introduction of a new reference point called Rm Introduce a new reference point to meet the new requirements. We can call it Rm. (m for management) Rm can be utilized for RACF to interact with various NGN management functional entities. One example is MPM. There are two cases on how to use Rm: - Use Rm to receive information on which performance measurement should be made from RACF and use Rc to provide measurement results to RACF. This method requires some extension of Rc in terms of its information elements. - Use Rm to both receive and reply to RACF requests.
Performance measurement of the service quality of MoIP Example: IPTV 1 Performance measurement of the service quality of MoIP Definition of the Quality of Experience (QoE) : The overall acceptability of an application or service, as perceived subjectively by the end-user. ITU-T Rec. G.1080 defines QoE requirements for IPTV from an end user perspective, agnostic to network deployment architectures and transport protocols. ITU-T Rec. G.1081 defines performance monitoring for IPTV. The goal of this is to provide higher QoS/QoE to customers by identifying, localizing and quantifying service and network issues.
Example: IPTV 2 MPM points Figure 2/G.1081 – IPTV Performance Monitoring Points
Q&A Thank you for your kind attentions. This work is partly supported by the National institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT).