WaSH in Emergency Working Group Meeting Borno State - Maiduguri - 1/11/2016
AGENDA Opening remarks Adoption and presentation of the agenda Review of action points Humanitarian context: - CCCM WaSH tracker - Cadre harmonise: Acute Food & Nutrition Insecurity - IDPs per LGA - Operational presence - Cholera context Gaps, priorities and response (Maps of gaps + discussion) WaSH updates: - Cash for WaSH (CRS) - Hygiene promotion training (OXFAM) - WaSH items available - Wash in CMAM (WaSH sector) Information Management (IM) updates AoB Review action points identified during meeting Closing Remarks
3. Follow-up on actions points (meeting from last 28.10) BOSEPA “hotspots” to be provided for fumigation All partners encouraged to visit the WASH Sector website: https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/nigeria/water- sanitation-hygiene OXFAM, Caritas, and IOM to assess humanitarian needs in Askira/Uba (assessment report shared?) Training of Trainers by OXFAM on HP WASH in Schools and WASH in CMAM Centers: UNICEF is working on a tool to be shared to all and invited any interested partner to join in Site planning for Mafa and Dikwa by IOM
4. Humanitarian context: CCCM WaSH tracker MMC Jere – WASH In Camps Priority Map Monguno– WASH In Camps Priority Map
4. Humanitarian context: CCCM WaSH tracker
4. Humanitarian context: cadre harmonise
4. Humanitarian context: IDPs per LGAs
4. Humanitarian context: operational presence
4. Humanitarian context: cholera update Add chlorine in the water for IDPs No significant cholera outbreak to date in Borno in 2016 Decreasing risk with arrival of the dry season Do we deserve such a result in 2016?
5. Gaps, priorities and response Access is a limitation (security) but could improve during the dry season Priority areas Feedback from assessment: possible access from Adamawa
6. WaSH in Emergency update Cash for WaSH Hygiene promotion training (OXFAM): Please also send your participant names by 31st October https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NEN_HP_Training WaSH items available (UNICEF): josaphatwav2@gmail.com; 07082909840 Wash in CMAM (WaSH sector) – Possibility to extend to WaSH in school directly affected by the conflicts HNO – HRP process: Vulnerability maps; PIN; Targets population; Specifics objectives; Indicators; Budget 2017
7. Information management update 5Ws Capacity building opportunities WASH Dashboard Water points, camps and CCCM Tracker online Skype Group : https://join.skype.com/eDKGNnm0E8kQ
9. Review action points identified during meeting 8. AoB 9. Review action points identified during meeting 10. Closing remarks
THANK YOU Zonal WASH Summit, A Field Office: Sept. 22-25,2009