Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Disaster Management The Permaculture way! Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Natural Bushfire Flood Cyclone Earthquake Tsunami Pandemic Drought Comet strike Volcano Man-made Civil unrest Terrorism Chemical spill Economic melt- down NBC Warfare Conventional Warfare Types of Disaster Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Aspect Question Likelihood How likely is it to happen? Frequency How often could it happen? Duration How long will the effects last? Scope of Impact Effect over a wide or small area? Speed of Onset How much warning can you expect? Destructive potential Minimal or mass destruction? Predictability Does it follow a pattern? Preparability What are your options? Your Disaster Profile Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Take flight? Or Sit tight? The Big Question Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Where are you going to go? How are you going to get there? What route are you going to take? What will you need to do once you get there? How long do you intend to stay? Record, Consult, Practice Escape Planning Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Food (long life, ready to eat) Water (4l/person/day) Clothing (season appropriate) Sleeping bag or blanket First aid kit Cooker (camping) lighting Important documents Hygiene supplies (soap, toilet paper) Water purification supplies Plastic bucket/ shovel Tube tent/ plastic sheet Battery radio 72 Hour Survival Kit Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Stay at Home If you are lucky your home will already be able to provide – Food Cooking/lighting facilities Water Shelter/clothing Hygiene facilities First aid/medical needs But you can always increase your resilience! Stay at Home Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Planning and Community Put a “stay at home plan” together that addresses perceived requirements Work out what you want to do, and allocate a person to do it, time frame and budget. Talk to your neighbours and involve them, if appropriate Planning and Community Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Grow more! As much fruit, veggies and herbs as you can manage Keep chooks (think about feed) Preserve and store your excess and cheap, local, in season fruit & veg Consider foraging Store what you can’t make/preserve (store what you eat and eat what you store) The big 4 Food Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Make a rocket stove Consider a 12 volt photovoltaic system Get hold of solar goodies (torch; radio etc) Get and use hand powered tools and kitchen equipment Kero lamps, cooker, blow lamp Solar oven, cooker, food drier Fireless cooker Energy Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Get as many rainwater tanks as you can Many small rather than one huge to spread the risk Gear up to purify water Make a waterless toilet Short term, fill bath tubs Water Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Transport & Communication Bicycles with trailer & tools/spares Wind up/solar radio CB Radio Short wave radio Keep an eye and ear out Transport & Communication Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
Sustainable Living in the Suburbs Health – diet & exercise Addictions Psychological preparation Learn stuff – how to..... Personal Sustainable Living in the Suburbs
For more details check our website Sustainable Living in the Suburbs For more details check our website