Welcome. Please sit four to a table. Phonics Café Welcome. Please sit four to a table.
What is ph-o-n-i-c-s? Words made up of sounds called phonemes. Phonemes -single letters, pairs, threes e.g. c-a-t, f-i-sh, l-igh-t. 26 letters, 44 sounds, over 150 ways to spell them! s – sun, hiss, horse, circle, face. Pure, clear sounds. No ‘uh’. Fred Talk. Special Friends – two letters, one sound.
What is the Phonics Screening Check (PSC)? The phonics screening check is designed to confirm whether pupils have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. It will identify pupils who need extra help to improve their decoding skills. DfE
All schools administer the PSC in the same week of June (12th June 2017). Two sections: section 1 – simple word structures, section 2 – more complex word structures. The check consists of 20 real words and 20 pseudo-words (nonsense words) that a pupil reads aloud to the teacher. The check is not timed – children work at their own pace. Pseudo-words are shown with a picture of an alien so children do not mistake it for a real word.
Results and Reporting Threshold of 32/40 – this may change. Summer-term report. Opportunity to re-take check in Year 2 if threshold not met in Year 1.
Section 1
Section 2
Focus Sounds
Special Friends (digraphs) ee th/ck creep thick
Special Friends (digraphs) with alternative pronunciations ow blow cow klow
Special Friends (digraphs) with alternative spellings ay play rain slaig
Special Friends who like to chat (split digraphs) a-e cake i-e kite u-e cube, rude o-e robe, joke
Special Friends tion attention cious suspicious ire fire ure sure
Phonics Screening Check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPJ_ZEBh1Bk
How you can help! Model how to blend. Point out Special Friends before blending. Read the RWI Storybooks. Green words /Red Words. Make up words (nonsense) using special Friends and split sounds. Use parts of real words e.g. foll in follow. Change a sound/letter e.g. hair > jair Play Fred games.
Set Sounds Book at home New sounds Examples Review
Useful websites www.ruthmiskin.com www.phonicsplay.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/alphablocks
At Palace Wood … Daily phonics. Groupings On-going assessments. Spellings (green words) sent home. Read Write Inc. Storybooks – speed sounds. Practise checks.