Whirling Disease Myxobolus cerebralis
The Facts Parasitic disease Only affects fish of the Salmonidae family Does not infect humans or mammals No cure or vaccine Does not always cause harm Occurs in hatcheries and in the wild Juvenile fish most affected
Fish Affected
How the Fish is Infected Triactinomyxon penentrates the gill epithelial cells. Replicates itself Cells burst releasing infection deeper into the dermis subcutics layers. Moves to the spinal cord, brain, and carlitage of skelton
Affects on the Trout Black Tail
Deformities of Skeletal Structure
Whirling Uncontrollably http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ6sTX8YKPg Enables feeding More acceptable to predators
History of Whirling Disease Native to Europe First in Germany -1903 Also found in Africa and New Zealand 1956- Pennsylvania 1995 -21 states 2007- 26 states Colorado and Montana most affected - 14 out of 15 drainages in Colorado infected - 500 miles of streams show partial or complete loss of wild rainbow trout
How to Prevent the Spread Whirling Disease Hatcheries use ultraviolet light to kill parasite. Do not transport fish from one body of water to another. Do not dispose of fish entrails into any body of water or into sinks. Drain boats, coolers, live bait wells. Wash mud from vehicles, boats, trailers, waders, boots and any other equipment that comes in contact with mud. Never transport aquatic plants, and clear all equipment of weeds.
Sources http://whirlingdisease.montana.edu/default.asp http://www.columbia.edu http://www.tu.org