I-15 North Phase IV Project I-15 /CC-215 Northern System to System Interchange
Existing Interchange CC 215 Single bridge I 15 The project is located between Lamb Blvd and Speedway Blvd in the vicinity of North Las Vegas
Proposed Project Ends Begins Ends
Scope of Project 9 New Bridges Widening of Existing Bridge Retention Walls New Ramps Detailed TC Drainage Analysis Geotechnical Study
Impacted Interchanges and Structures I 15/I-215 Northern System to System Interchange Lamb Boulevard Speedway Boulevard UPRR Crossing
Executive Summary Recommendation Complete the 60% Design Plans by the end of Summer 2013 and depending on funding continue work
Complete 60% Design Recommendation Advantages Identify Funding for Construction Identify Funding for Utility Relocation Identify/Resolve Major Project Risks Define the Delivery Method Perform Geotechnical Analysis Provide Flexibility for Delivering small Packages
Project Status The EA was Approved by the FHWA on May 2007 Phase I was completed on 2010 though Design-Build Project from the Spaghetti Bowl to Craig Road Phase II is from Craig Road to Speedway Boulevard
Project Status Phase III is from Speedway Boulevard to Apex interchange This is the Phase IV of the I 15 North Corridor improvements. The project is currently at the 20% Design with an estimated cost between $135 M to $145 M.
Budget and Funding Fund Description Total (Million ) Federal (Million) (95%) State (Million) (5%) HY1 High Priority, SAFETEA-LU $1.8 $1.7 $ 0.1 HY2 $ 0.4 $ 0.3 LY1 $ 1.8 $ 1.7 LY2 $ 2.6 $ 2.5 TBID To Be Identified $ 136.6 $ 129.8 $ 6.8 TOTAL $143.2 $136.0 $7.2
I-215 (exact start point) Northbound Southbound
US-95 (exact end point)
Budget Total Cost is $80.5 million Possible Safety Funds between 2 to 5 million