Regulatory Roadmap: Power sector environmental rules Jennifer Macedonia Environmental Regulation and Electric System Reliability October 22, 2010
Power Sector Transformation Electric Sector Air Water Waste Climate Natural Gas price Reliability Aging Fleet New Technology
Climate Influence Regardless of if, when, & how EPA regulates GHGs in near term uncertainty regarding future control of GHGs continues to influence the power sector as companies factor a shadow carbon price into economic analyses for investment decisions Today’s focus: air, water, and waste rules GHG = greenhouse gas
Rulemaking Schedule Conventional air pollutant rules: driven by NAAQS attainment deadlines 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Transport Rule (P) Transport Rule (F) F = Final Rulemaking P = Proposed Rulemaking NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard 4
Rulemaking Schedule Conventional air pollutant rules: driven by NAAQS attainment deadlines 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Transport Rule II (F) Revised Ozone NAAQS Transport Rule (P) Revised PM NAAQS Transport Rule (F) Transport rule II (P) F = Final Rulemaking P = Proposed Rulemaking NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard PM = particulate matter 5 5
Rulemaking Schedule Hazardous air pollutant rule: court ordered deadline Nov 2011 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Transport Rule II (F) Revised Ozone NAAQS Transport Rule (P) Revised PM NAAQS Transport Rule (F) Transport rule II (P) Utility MACT (P & F) F = Final Rulemaking P = Proposed Rulemaking NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard PM = particulate matter MACT = Maximum Achievable Control Technology 6
Rulemaking Schedule Clean Water Act rules: cooling water intake re-proposed after court remand 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Steam Electric Effluent (F) Transport Rule II (F) Cooling water (F) Steam Electric Effluent (P) Revised Ozone NAAQS Transport Rule (P) Cooling water (P) Revised PM NAAQS Transport Rule (F) Transport rule II (P) Utility MACT (P & F) F = Final Rulemaking P = Proposed Rulemaking 7
Rulemaking Schedule Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) coal waste rules 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Steam Electric Effluent (F) Transport Rule II (F) Cooling water (F) Steam Electric Effluent (P) Coal Waste (F) Revised Ozone NAAQS Transport Rule (P) Cooling water (P) Coal waste (P) Revised PM NAAQS Transport Rule (F) Transport rule II (P) Utility MACT (P & F) F = Final Rulemaking P = Proposed Rulemaking 8 8
Rulemaking Schedule Air, Water, Waste Steam Electric Effluent (F) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Steam Electric Effluent (F) Transport Rule II (F) Cooling water (F) Steam Electric Effluent (P) Coal Waste (F) Revised Ozone NAAQS Transport Rule (P) Cooling water (P) Coal waste (P) Revised PM NAAQS Transport Rule (F) Transport rule II (P) Utility MACT (P & F) F = Final Rulemaking P = Proposed Rulemaking NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard PM = particulate matter MACT = Maximum Achievable Control Technology
Existing Unit Compliance Periods 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Air Transport Rule Transport Rule update Utility MACT Water Cooling water intake Effluent guidelines Waste Coal waste/ash Phase I caps Phase II caps Pending revised NAAQS 2015: National Emission Standards (Potential 1-2 year extension) 5 yr permit renewal cycle to start some time after 2012 5 yr permit renewal cycle after rule final Timing dependent on whether RCRA C or D NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard MACT = Maximum Achievable Control Technology RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCRA C = Special waste RCRA D = Non-hazardous waste