Oral Health Training & Calibration Programme Debris & Calculus Indices
Calibration Challenge Examples Debris removed by first examiner may lead to lower score by second examiner Therefore the training will focus on the technique rather than actual score
Principles -Sensing force - 20 grams test this by placing the probe tip under the thumb nail and press until blanching occurs -Sensing subgingival calculus the lightest possible force that will allow movement of the probe along the tooth surface should be used More on this as we work through the indicies
Debris Index - sextants 55 17/16 51 11 65 26/27 Buccal Lingual 47/46 85 31 71 36/37 75 Index teeth are scored once they reach the full occlusal plane. Permanent teeth take precedence Additional substitutions are allowed, see pit fall document, do not use crowned teeth to assess
Substitutions If both the 6 and 7 are present record the worst score of the 2 teeth. If only the 6 or 7 is present score the one present only. If both the 6 and 7 are missing use the 4 and 5 and record the worst score of the 2 teeth. If the 6 and 7 and one or both of the bicuspids are missing then a score for the area cannot be determined (i.e. if only one premolar is present for a posterior sextant, then you do not score). For missing upper incisors the order of substitution is 11, 21, 12, 22, 13 23 For missing lower incisors the order of substitution is 31, 41, 32, 42, 33, 43
Debris Index – On All Ages Only score fully erupted teeth Drag probe across tooth: Look for plaque or debris piling up or extrinsic staining Crowned teeth and those reduced in height due to caries, restoration or trauma are excluded, use alternate tooth Buccal Occlusal view: lower incisors
Debris Index 0 1 2 3 0. No soft debris or stain 1. Less than 1/3 of surface covered 2. 1/3 to 2/3 of surface covered 3. More than 2/3 of surface covered 4. Primary and permanent teeth missing or unscoreable 5. Teeth unavailable for debris and calculus e.g. crowned 0 1 2 3 NB Extrinsic stain also counted as debris
Extrinsic stain <1/3
Calculus 0 1 2 3 0. No calculus 1. Less than 1/3 of surface covered 0 1 2 3 0. No calculus 1. Less than 1/3 of surface covered 2. 1/3 to 2/3 of surface covered or flecks of subgingival calculus OR both 3. More than 2/3 of surface covered or heavy band of subgingival calculus OR both