Addison Michael Trial Sam Macbeth Addison Michael Trial Sam
Act I Macbeth learns of the witch’s prophecy and becomes the Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth “Two truths are told, As happy prologues to the swelling act Of the imperial theme.”
Act I Once Lady Macbeth learns of the prophecy she takes the man role in the story and decides that action needs to be taken in order for Macbeth to seize the throne.
Act I Macbeth disagrees with her opinion at first but eventually gives in and decides he must kill king Duncan (This will allow him to become king since he is next in line). Macbeth “If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well It were done quickly.”
Act II On the night Macbeth is going to murder Duncan he begins to second guess himself. As he is having these thoughts he imagines seeing a dagger. This sight drives him to commit the murder. Lady Macbeth “My hands are of your color, but I shame To wear a heart so white.”
Act II As Macbeth is haunted by the thoughts of killing Duncan Lady Macbeth is forced to put the finishing touches on the crime by putting blood on the guards that are outside of Duncan’s room.
Act II In the morning Macduff discovers the murder and the guards are suspected of the crime since their clothing is stained with blood. Macbeth acts as if they committed the crime and kills them before they have a chance to talk.
Act II Feeling unsafe the Duncan’s sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, flee to England and Ireland. Malcolm What will you do? Let’s not consort with them. To show an unfelt sorrow is an office Which the false man does easy. I’ll to England.
Act II As everyone wonders why Macbeth was so quick to kill the guards, Macbeth is crowned king.
Act III Macbeth begins to fear Banquo because of his knowledge of the prophecy and intelligence. He believes Banquo might be able to find out that he murdered Duncan in order to become king.
Act III Macbeth convinces two murderers that Banquo has treated them poorly in order to persuade them to kill him and his son. The murderers successfully kill Banquo but Fleance, his son, escapes. Banquo O treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly! Thou may ’st revenge —O slave!
Act III At Macbeth’s banquet the ghost of Banquo appears. Macbeth appears ill to everyone at the feast because it appears as though he is yelling at nothing. “There the grown serpent lies. The worm that’s fled Hath nature that in time will venom breed; No teeth for th' present.” Macbeth
Act IV Hecate tells the three witches that she feels left out and she is angry that the other witches went off and did this without her.
Act IV MacBeth demands the witches to tell him what he wants to know. MacBeth: “I will be satisfied, deny me this and an eternal curse shall fall upon you!”
Act IV Lady MacDuff: “What did he do that made him flee this land?” MacDuff flees to England. Lady MacDuff: “What did he do that made him flee this land?”
Act IV While speaking to the witches he is told many misleading clues by apparitions. They told him to beware of Macduff, nobody women born could harm him, and he would rule until the Birnam wood attacked him.
Act IV Malcolm: “Let them be comforted- I’m returning to Scotland.” MacDuff and Malcolm plan to take back Scotland. Malcolm: “Let them be comforted- I’m returning to Scotland.”
Act V The Doctor see’s Lady MacBeth washing her hands and admit to crimes she committed.
Act V Lady MacBeth dies. Seyton: “The queen is dead, my Lord.”
Act V MacDuff finds MacBeth and reveals that he was untimely ripped from the womb. MacDuff then slays him. MacDuff: “They cut me out of my mothers womb before she could bear me naturally”
Act V Malcolm becomes the King.