Special thanks to: Rose, Dana, Ayana, April, Ashley Fagan, Colin, Margaret Spach
Class one denture is easy then gets tougher Instability can overridde good retention Max denture drives esthetics plane - s f occlusal plane template. Set to ideal esthetics Don't be afraid to adjust natural teeth Porcelain teeth can wear gold down. Needs lots a finish and polish "Gold is the strongest material we make" - ESP opposing dentures
Single Maxillary Denture – Dr. Driscoll Retention – vertical forces away from tissue Stability – lateral forces From ridges & occlusion Flat ridge = no stability Balance of teeth gives you stability like a train-car on railroad tracks Support – vertical forces toward tissue Hanau’s Quint CG x IG CC x CH x OP Class 1 = easiest Class 5 = hardest Maxillary dentures drives the esthetic train Case 1: “My denture keeps falling” – think stability, not retention Like suction cups Shows anterior guidance is too steep Solution: Took away natural tooth structure on mandibular to decrease IG & balance occlusion Case 2: Had to add incisal guidance height to balance teeth. Used suck-down and composite Case 3: Hard case Reverse smile line on maxillary due to supereruption of mandibular anterior teeth Has 4 mm open bite – change natural tooth occlusion to get teeth into contact!! May need to reduce so much that he needs endo, but he’s old so you know may be reduced Cut down mandibular anteriors via stent Still didn’t fit, used occlusal guard in posterior to balance temporarily Crowned all posterior teeth