Your health campaign The Structure
By now, you know The topic and the aim and objectives [what] The target group [who] The venue [where] The date/time [when] The next coursework section is where you explain how it will happen.
That is, a detailed plan (AO2) This plan should be so clear that someone else would be able to use it to prepare and deliver the plan, if you weren’t there. So you need step by step detail.
It should include the preparation: Booking the venue (place and time) Identifying the target group and arranging that they will be there The timings of the campaign Obtaining and preparing the resources Health and safety
So, Go back to your aims and objectives. State your campaign aim. [you may then want to consider doing some baseline assessment of your audience’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviours here]
Then, take each objective one at a time And for each one say how you will achieve it. For example, What will you say? [outline the content of the talking and where you will get your information from] What will you do? [ practical activities, quizzes etc., where will you get your ideas and materials from] What will you use? [ resources such as leaflets/posters, artefacts. How and where will you get them ]
You also need to consider How much time you will allow for each objective (timing) What you expect your audience to be doing at each section How you can check if what you are doing is effective (e.g. observing, questioning )
Health and safety This is very important. You need to do a risk assessment. Ask “what could go wrong?” Ask “who might be at risk of harm?”
Consider these possible risks The premises The equipment The resources The target group Yourself
How might you manage the risks to avoid problems? Premises Equipment Resources Target group You