Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 The world of work is constantly changing. Today it is uncommon for a person to have only one occupation throughout their working life, so it’s vital that we are able to transfer and adapt our knowledge and skills throughout our careers. To foster these abilities, Occupational Studies allows learners to learn for work, through work and about work, and it provides the potential for this learning to take place in out-of-school contexts. This hands-on approach is ideal for those who prefer to develop their skills in a more practical, occupational environment. Occupational Studies is both coherent and flexible and provides a good foundation from which to advance to competence-based post-16 courses.
Aims and Learning Outcomes Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Aims and Learning Outcomes To develop a suite of qualifications for accreditation on the NQF for first teaching in September 2015 to: Facilitate learning in a practical situation Motivate learners Develop employability skills Prepare learners for working and adult life Provide progression to higher learning Co-teachable alongside occupational studies level 1/2
Special Schools/Post-Primary/FE Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Target Audience Key Stage 4 SEN Low ability Special Schools/Post-Primary/FE
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Entry Level Standards Entry level qualifications recognise basic knowledge, understanding and skills and the ability to apply learning in everyday situations under direct guidance or supervision. Learning at this level involves building basic knowledge, understanding and skills. This is an opportunity to provide further guidance on the revised specification and to discuss exemplar support materials provided and for us to also to listen and take feedback and where necessary make adjustments. Coursework: 20% & 40% 5
17 occupational areas 51 unit titles Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Draft Specifications 17 occupational areas 51 unit titles
Subject areas are as follows: Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Subject areas are as follows:
Entry Level Descriptors Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Entry Level Descriptors Entry 1: recognises progress along a continuum that ranges from the most elementary of achievements to beginning to make use of skills, knowledge or understanding that relate to the immediate environment. Entry 2: achievement at Entry 2 reflects the ability to make use of skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out simple, familiar tasks and activities with guidance. Entry 3: achievement at Entry 3 reflects the ability to make use of skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out structured tasks and activities in familiar contexts, with appropriate guidance where needed.
Availability of Assessment Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Availability of Assessment Moderation will take place in May of the academic year. Entries should be made for the Spring series (March series). Methods of Assessment Learners must complete a portfolio of work to show how they have met the assessment criteria for each unit. Teachers can choose any assessment method or combination of methods that clearly demonstrates the learner has met the assessment criteria and achieved the learning outcomes. These methods may include, for example: Photographs – Written Evidence – Posters – Mind Maps – Presentations Storyboards – Screenshots – Videos – Witness Statements – Models – Leaflets
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Structure Bank of units covering wide range of occupational areas. Some new areas introduced, e.g. Drama, Music, T&D and ICT. Each unit available at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3 (highest outcome). Co-teachable with Occupational Studies Level 1/2. Differentiation by outcome.
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Structure contd. 120 GLH (20 hrs/unit). 6 units for Occupational Studies qualification. ‘Spikey’ profile. Overall award based on level they are mostly working at. 12 units (i.e. 6 additional units) for Extended Occupational Studies qualification. Availability of 3 similar units which can be delivered by tutor/teacher with specific skill set. A basis to progress either horizontally or vertically to other relevant qualifications at Entry level and beyond.
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Overview of Unit TEACHING TIME CONTENT AO1 10% CAREERS HEALTH AND SAFETY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT MATERIALS, KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS AO2 80% PRACTICAL ASSESSMENTS: A need to meet all assessment criteria for unit award AO3 TASK REVIEW(S) END OF UNIT REVIEW
Reporting and Awarding Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Reporting and Awarding Learners will be awarded Entry Level 1, 2 or 3 in each unit. Learners whose work does not meet Entry level 1 requirements will not be awarded a level. Where performance is below the requirements for Entry level 1, the CCEA report the results as unclassified (U).
The Portfolio of Evidence Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 The Portfolio of Evidence The portfolio of evidence for each unit must contain the following: Evidence of knowledge and understanding (AO1) This may take the form of written answers to questions or, where appropriate, a record of oral responses to questions. It must cover the range of knowledge and understanding set out in the unit content. Evidence of application of knowledge, understanding and skills (AO2) Teachers must assess all activities to occupational standards by observing learners’ performance in practical tasks. Evidence of evaluation of their work (AO3) Learners should carry out a review for each assessment task within each unit. It should summarise their performance and indicate how they could make improvements. They should also present an end-of-unit review. A record of all the assessment evidence The record indicates where each piece of assessment can be found. Evidence in learners’ portfolios may be written, photographic, audio or video recorded.
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Internal Assessment Assessors must have the appropriate skills and knowledge to assess learners’ work for a unit. They must also: Be able to authenticate the work as the learners’ own; Ensure that learners have met all the assessment criteria in order to achieve a unit; Keep accurate records of all assessment decisions. Teachers assess learners as having achieved or not achieved each unit.
Assessment Arrangements Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Assessment Arrangements Portfolio based Internal assessment – no examination Externally moderated Achieved/Not Achieved. Need to achieve all assessment objectives to achieve award Flexible assessment evidence, e.g. poster, discussion, photographs, voice recordings, web screen shots
Instructions to Teachers Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Instructions to Teachers Teachers must carry out Internal Standardisation – Declaration of Internal Standardisation form (TAC2) must be submitted for each unit. Sample sizes: Number of Candidates Entered Sample sent for Moderation Up to 10 candidates All candidates 11 or more candidates 10 candidates
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 Internal Assessment Please ensure when submitting portfolio evidence for moderation that the following are adhered to: Individual portfolios of evidence must be submitted by each candidate for EACH unit taken; There is no need for a diary; Each unit must have a separate AO1. The evidence should not be identical across units; Outcomes should be awarded by level and not by mark; All sections of the specification must be covered for a unit award; For an overall EL3 unit award, candidates must meet the specification criteria for El3 in ALL areas of the specification. This also applies to EL2 and EL1 unit awards; Photographic evidence should be for individual candidates and must be annotated relating directly to the specification requirements; Portfolio structure must be in order of AO1, AO2 and AO3; Individual Learner Tracking Grids should be completed and attached to the front of candidate portfolios.
Entry Level Occupational Studies Agreement Trial 2016-17 External Moderation Centres must submit assessment outcomes and samples to CCEA according to the calendar of events set out in the Qualifications Administration Handbook, which can be accessed at www.ccea.org.uk.