SCHOLARSHIPS Information Session
The Five W’s. ∙ WHO…. gets the scholarships? ∙ WHAT… do you have to do to win the money? ∙ WHEN… do you apply for these scholarships? ∙ WHERE… do you look for these scholarships? ∙ WHY… would you spend your time doing so? ∙ HOW… do you get started?
Why Look for Scholarships? . How much money can you make during a 3 to 5 hour shift at work?
Scholarship/ Bursary Money Parent Support (RESP’s) Student Loan (OSAP) Your Savings + Scholarship/ Bursary Money Show me the Money! $$$
Who gets the Money? The person who spends at least 3- 5 hours doing research. The person who has worked hard at their academics, community service and leadership activities. The person who needs to find another source of income. The person who would like to be recognized for their skills and time devoted to their school community. The person who would like to be debt-free by the end of their post secondary education. The person who can answer essay questions intelligently The person who can meet deadlines.
Financial Planning 101 1. Scholarships: Awarded based on academic excellence, school & community involvement, leadership abilities and essay writing 2. Bursaries: Awarded based on financial need and community involvement 3. OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) Used to supplement, not replace, family resources *OSAP is completed on-line and sent to the school you will be attending. Application is done in the Spring, after you accept an offer!
Scholarship Factors ∙ Financial Need ∙ Field of Study ∙ Academic Average ∙ Year of Study ∙ Special Circumstances ∙ Location ∙ Heritage ∙ Volunteer Work ∙ Affiliations ∙ Activities
How to Start 1. Begin your research: ∙ allow 3-5 hours to start ∙ treat it like another course or part-time job 2. Have three key people ready to write reference letters: ∙ a teacher, counsellor or activities person ∙ a community or church member ∙ an employer or supervisor Supply these individuals with the scholarship criteria! 3. Create a resume before you begin your applications: ∙ include all academic, community volunteer, and extracurricular activities; indicate leadership examples.
Parent’s Employer Parent’s Insurance company DSBN Website School I look? Where do Parent’s Employer Parent’s Insurance company DSBN Website School Your employer Club/ sport affiliation Church Union Member College / University Websites Student Scholarships legion, optimists, Kiwanis, Women’s Institute, 4H,
Internet Resources $78 million available to students in scholarships, bursaries, contests, specialized student offers, giveaways and other financial assistance to help students win, earn and save the money needed for education. 2. Database has over 60,000 individual awards by over 300 organizations across Canada 3. @SkgScholarships (Twitter) Helping students and parents find financial aid for post-secondary education. Choose Colleges Choose Plan Choose Scholarships Choose Scholarships
Examples of Scholarships Available: Scholarship Opportunities Examples of Scholarships Available: ∙Animation ∙ Aviation ∙ Broadcasting ∙ Business ∙ Cancer ∙ Civil Engineering ∙ Conservation ∙ Agriculture ∙ Design ∙ Exceptionalities ∙ Farming ∙ Food ∙ Golf ∙ Horticulture SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIP – YOU DO NOT NEED TO APPLY ∙ Learning Disabilities ∙ Music ∙ Teacher Parents ∙ Physical Disabilities ∙ Service/Community ∙ Spina Bifida ∙ Tennant of Ontario Housing ∙ Transportation Industry ∙ Voice Study ∙ Ward of Children’s Aid ∙ Women in Technology ∙ Many more…
School Scholarships School Scholarships Some school and community scholarships are given through BDSS The school scholarships are teacher nominated according to scholarship criteria
Before you Apply Before you Apply ∙ Plan Ahead. Check timelines, do your research. ∙ Prepare resume and order transcripts. ∙ Request a letter of recommendation from teachers and/or community members – at least 1-2 weeks before submission of the rough draft. ∙Make a Guidance appointment to review your progress. Bring your resume, rough drafts, and letters of recommendation. Leave plenty of time before the scholarship/award deadline. ∙Know everything there is to know about the scholarship (expectations, requirements, eligibility, deadline for applications).
MORE TIPS Tips 1. Know your strengths and assets 2. Anything that makes you different from others is important 3. Have someone edit your application/essay questions…now is NOT the time to be humble
What should I do now? Start applying Search scholarship data Register on scholarship websites Search scholarship data bases Choose some “referees” Talk to parents/ look at ties outside of school Create a scholarship file: save everything! Update your resume Start applying What should I do now?
When are you finished searching for Money? Facts: ∙ Plenty of scholarship money is not available to you until you are attending a college or university ∙ A lot of money is not awarded – due to low or unsuitable applications ∙ Visit your financial aid office often! . . .when you are finished post secondary education!