REGIONAL OUTREACH SERVICES: Budget, Purchase Request Forms, & etc. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY REGIONAL OUTREACH SERVICES: Budget, Purchase Request Forms, & etc.
Activity & Service Fee: Budget Regional Outreach Services is funded by Active and Service Fees These funds come from tuition Budgets are public record, and can be found here:
Regional Outreach Services Budget
University-Wide Financial Training All organizations that have been allocated A&SF funds for any of their activities need to be financially trained This is an annual training Yes, you need to do it again every year You need to complete training in order to sign Purchase Request Forms (PRFs) This is a Webcourses course
Purchase Request Forms (PRFs) These are submitted to us (GA and Supervisor) This is the form you'll need to purchase anything with A&SF funds PRFs should be completed and submitted at least 14 days prior to the time you need the items/services you are ordering You should ALWAYS use the most updated version
You Should Fill EVERYTHING OUT Regional Outreach Services That’s YOU! Always include your campus location You Should Fill EVERYTHING OUT Two signatures from ROS students*
UCF ACCOUNTANT MARIA (JOEY) MODI Joey’s Pro Tips Joey is our assigned accountant Student Union 215 Follow up on confirmation/tracking numbers Make sure all copies are legible Fill out everything on PRF