Janice Lamoureaux Darlene O’Neill Synergies for Success Co-operative Education and Office of the Registrar Janice Lamoureaux Darlene O’Neill
PREAMBLE ( OPPORTUNITY) In keeping with Fanshawe’s Vision of Unlocking Potential and Mission to, in part, provide pathways to success, the College actively pursues work integrated learning opportunities. Registrar and Co-op work collaboratively with academic partners to create exciting pathways and partnerships
COLLABORATION WORKS! Co-op policy review Pre- Admission ( Right Fit) Applicant Review Committees Image Now Pathways
POLICY REVIEW 2013 Co-operative Education policy review initiated Led by Office the Registrar Review team consisted of academics, co-op manager, and academic planning team Eliminated “optional” co-ops Created Co-op 1020 ( pre-employment workshop) Co-op 1020 included in Degree Audit
THE RIGHT FIT! OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR ADVISING CENTRE The Advising Centre was established in 2013 in the Office of the Registrar 4 professional Advisors can assist with: Choosing a program and a career to fit your skills, values and interests Understanding admission requirements and the application process Navigating the process for transferring to or from Fanshawe Assist internationally trained immigrants find pathways to a credential Understanding and registering for the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process FanshawePathfinder.ca 30 questions career assessment tool Career Guides: program specific information on career pathways, working conditions, academic workload, NOC codes and links to Fanshawe’s Career Coach
APPLICANT REVIEW COMMITTEES Members include recruitment, academics, planning, office of the registrar, international Invitation extended to co-op manager in 2013 Purpose of the meetings are to review enrolment targets during the application cycles Co-op invited to participate and contribute to questions regarding capacity for co-op programs as targets fluctuate Co-op considered integral member of this committee
IMAGE NOWw? Digital content management system Digitize paper documents Import electronic files Non-destructive annotative tools Workflows Fast retrieval Secure storage Digitize paper documents Import emails, Word documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, pictures and many other types of electronic files Assign indexes to documents to allow for quick retrieval Process documents with a series of non-destructive annotative tools (e.g. digital stamps, sticky notes, highlighting, etc.) Automatically distribute documents throughout a process with workflows Maintain an easy-to-search archive of all stored documents in a secure environment
IMAGE NOW Reduced paper and minimized storage Provides greater security Improved response time and accuracy Decreased risk of lost documents Greater access Eliminated time consuming filing and copying Reduced processing time
Registrar and Co-op share numerous documents WORKFLOW QUEUES Shared Individual Super Registrar and Co-op share numerous documents
BENEFITS TRUST!!!! Streamlined processes Faster and greater access Reduced paper and filing No ‘lost’ documents Easy to use No more waiting for inter-office mail No more searching each desk to find a document Nothing to file
NEW PATHWAYS Grad certs under review Retention of international students Granting of advanced standing for some co-op programs Registrar, academics, co-op, and international initiative Pilot under way
Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services 2014-2015 Report Card
EXPERIENCE ONTARIO Career exploration for high school grads Co-op Consultant leading the project ( employer relationships/Career exploration) Pathfinder a critical tool Advising Centre and Co-op office partnering to host “dedicated sessions” for EO groups Internal Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services partnerships integral
WHAT ARE YOUR STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS? Student Success is everyone’s responsibility! Communicate, collaborate and create! Let’s chat…..at your table share one idea how you facilitate student success at your college