IECEE CB-FCS Full Certification Scheme
What the Scheme offers Comprehensive international certification scheme for electrical products In line with International Standards – ISO/IEC 17067 and ISO/IEC Product Certification Scheme No. 5 Harmonized procedures: 1 test/1 factory surveillance/inspection and 1 certificate recognized by all participants This international certification scheme for electrical products is in line with Product Certification Scheme No. 5, according to ISO/IEC 17067 Standard and goes beyond the mere type testing to IEC Standards as per the basic IECEE CB Scheme (being in line with ISO/IEC Product Certification Scheme No. 1).
Main benefits 1 test, 1 factory surveillance/inspection, 1 certification recognized by all participants Reduces number of steps to: obtain certification or approval by signatories at national level Easier access to markets, reduces costs/obstacles to international trade Reinforces confidence in safety of a specific product All the documents and forms used as well as qualification requirements for factory inspectors are harmonized between Members. So there is the general idea of having one test, one factory surveillance/inspection and one certification recognized by all participants. This means no further tests or multiple factory visits are required.
What does it entail? Testing for national differences to IEC Standards Documented compliance of product components Initial and/or follow up surveillance visits The surveillance visits include an audit of manufacturer’s quality system, associated Conformity Assessment Reports (CARs) amongst all CBs who have signed CB-FCS multi-lateral agreement (MLA) Signatories to CB-FCS accept reports from factory surveillance by other signatories, and components integrated in appliances tested/inspected by other signatories without requesting product samples for testing in normal cases CA Reports/Certificates can be used for direct acceptance in market place
Who should use it? Companies: With 1 or several manufacturing locations Wanting to export products globally or to several countries Wanting a documented quality management system at manufacturing locations Needing/wanting to launch new products simultaneously in several countries The IECEE Factory Surveillance Service can also be done as a stand-alone service that is not related to the IECEE CB-FCS and in this case results in a Factory Surveillance/Inspection Report. Sometimes manufacturers need this as part of their documentation for entering certain markets.
Participating Member Countries
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