Respiratory System Interchange of gases Called respiration or breathing Oxygen inhaled through the lungs Passes to blood and carbon dioxide Removed from the blood and exhaled into the air
Respiratory System Inhalation or inspiration-Oxygen in Exhalation or expiration-CO2 out
Respiratory System – Structures Nose and nasal cavity Nas/o Pharynx Pharyng/o
Respiratory System – Structures Nose and nasal cavity Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Lungs Pleural and mediastinal cavities
Structures of the Respiratory System
Nose, Nasal Cavities, and Paranasal Sinuses External nares Cilia Nasal cavity Nasal septum Olfactory neurons Paranasal sinuses
Pharynx (Throat) Nasopharynx Internal nares Eustachian tubes Separated by nasal septum Eustachian tubes Adenoids and pharyngeal tonsils
Pharynx (Throat) Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Palatine and lingual tonsils Laryngopharynx Opens into the larynx and esophagus
Larynx (Voice Box) Adam’s apple Epiglottis Vocal cords Glottis
Trachea (Windpipe) Extends from the larynx to the bronchi Lined with mucous membranes and cilia Mainly muscle fibers C-shaped cartilage
Bronchi Trachea divides into two primary bronchi Secondary and tertiary bronchi Bronchioles
Lungs Top of lung is apex Bottom of lung is base Right lung Three lobes Superior, middle, and inferior
Lungs Left lung Alveoli and alveolar ducts Pulmonary capillaries Two lobes Superior and inferior Alveoli and alveolar ducts Pulmonary capillaries
Pleural and Mediastinal Cavities Pleural cavity Surrounds the lungs Parietal and visceral pleura Pleural fluid
Pleural and Mediastinal Cavities Mediastinal cavity Lies between the lungs Contains the heart, aorta, trachea, and esophagus
Roots Adenoid/o adenoids Adenoidectomy-excision of the adenoids
Roots Alveol/o alveoli; air sacs Alveolar- pertaining to the alveoli Alveolitis- inflammation of the alveoli
Roots Bronchi/o; bronch/o bronchus Bronchiectasis- dilation of the bronchus Bronchitis- inflammation of the bronchus Bronchospasm- sudden, involuntary contraction of the bronchus
Roots Bronchiol/o bronchioles; small bronchi Bronchiolitis-inflammation of the bronchioles
Roots Laryng/o larynx; voice box Laryngeal- pertaining to the voice box Laryngospasm- sudden, involuntary contraction of the voice box
Roots Lob/o lobe Lobar-pertaining to the lobe of the lung Lobectomy-excision of a lobe of the lung
Roots Mediastin/o mediastinum Mediastinoscopy-process of visually examining the cavity between the lungs
Roots Muc/o mucus Mucolytic-drug used to break down thick mucus Water-best mucolytic
Roots Nas/o nose Nasolacrimal-pertaining to the nose and lacrimal apparatus Nasopharyngeal-pertaining to the nasopharynx
Roots Ox/o; ox/i oxygen Anoxia-lack of oxygen Hypoxia-deficiency of oxygen
Roots Pector/o chest Pectoral –pertaining to the chest Pectoral muscles Expectoration-coughing out materials from the lungs
Roots Pharyng/o pharynx; throat Oropharyngeal-pertaining to the mouth and pharynx
Roots Phren/o diaphragm Phrenic-pertaining to the diaphragm Phrenic nerve-nerve to the diaphragm
Roots Pleur/a; pleur/o pleura; pleural cavity Pleuralgia-pain in the pleura Pleuritis (Pleurisy)-inflammation of the pleura
Roots Pneum/o lungs Pneumon/o; pulmon/o lungs Pneumonia/Pneumonitis-inflammation of the lung Pulmonary edema-accumulation of excess fluid in the lungs
Roots Rhin/o nose Rhinitis-inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose Rhinorrhea-discharge from the nose Rhinoplasty-surgical repair of the nose RHINOPLASTY
Roots Sinus/o sinuses Pansinusitis-inflammation of all the paranasal sinuses
Roots Thorac/0 chest;thorax Thoracocentesis-surgical puncture to remove fluid from the pleural cavity Thoracoplasty- surgical reconstruction of the thorax Thoracotomy-process of cutting into the chest
Roots Trache/0 trachea;windpipe Tracheotomy-process of cutting into the trachea Tracheostomy-new opening into the trachea is created and a tube is inserted
Suffixes -phonia voice Aphonia-loss of voice Dysphonia-difficulty in speaking
Suffixes -pnea breathing Apnea-no breathing Bradypnea-slow breathing Dyspnea-difficulty of breathing Eupnea-normal breathing Tachypnea-fast breathing Orthopnea-breathing only in upright position
Suffixes -ptysis spitting Hemoptysis-spitting up of blood
Suffixes -thorax chest Hemothorax-blood in pleural cavity
Suffixes -thorax chest Hydrothorax-watery fluid in pleural cavity
Suffixes -thorax chest Pneumothorax-air in the pleural cavity
Suffixes -thorax chest Pyothorax/empyema-pus in pleural cavity
Suffixes -thorax chest Closed tube thoracostomy-treatment for hemothorax, hydrothorax, pneumothorax and pyothorax
Aging Costal cartilage hardens Thoracic cage becomes rigid Elasticity of the lungs diminishes Respiratory muscles weaken Cilia less active Coughing reflex diminishes
Common Diseases Asthma Combination of: bronchospasm, increased mucus secretion and wheezing
Common Diseases Emphysema- destruction of the alveoli
Common Diseases Lung cancer-malignant tumor or mass in the lungs
Common Diseases Pneumonia-infection and inflammation of the lung
Abbreviations AP anteroposterior CO2 carbon dioxide CXR chest X-ray ERV expiratory reserve volume IRV inspiratory reserve volume O2 oxygen
Abbreviations PA posteroanterior PFT pulmonary function tests R respiration RV residual volume SOA shortness of air SOB shortness of breath
Abbreviations T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy TV tidal volume URI upper respiratory infection URT upper respiratory tract