Third Grade Reading Expectations State Assessment Students are assessed three times a year using a reading benchmark program that follows a letter system that matches the readability of the book and the difficulty of the questions the students have to respond to. BOY MOY EOY M-N O P-Q
Third Grade District Assessment MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) This assessment is given three times a year in the areas of reading and math. This assessment is nationally normed. Information on how your child performed on this assessment will be placed in their report card folder when available. If you want more information about MAP testing you can visit the Blythe website and click on the tab labeled assessment.
Third Grade EOG Assessment State Assessment Students are assessed at the end of May in the areas of reading and math. Five levels are designated for evaluating student performance on the eog. EOG 1 2 3 4 5 Limited command of CCSS (Not College and career ready) Partial command of CCSS Sufficient command of CCSS Solid command of CCSS (College and career ready) Superior command of CCSS