Third Grade Reading Guarantee Summary of SB 316’s requirements for Ohio’s Schools to begin in the 2012-2012 school year.
3rd Grade Reading Guarantee Legislative Requirements include: Diagnostic Assessments for students in Grades K – 3; Notice to parents if student diagnostic assessment shows that the student is “not on track” to read at grade level; Students “not on track” will be placed on a district-developed reading improvement and monitoring plans. 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee
3rd Grade Reading Guarantee “Any student who does not reach the appropriate level of reading competency by the end of the third grade will not advance to the fourth grade.” ODE Guidance Document, August 2012 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee
3rd Grade Reading Guarantee Districts will annually report diagnostic assessment results through EMIS; ODE will provide guidance for districts in the development of this legislative requirement; Competitive Reading Grants will be offered to districts to support additional costs to districts. 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee