IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ELD STANDARDS December, 2015 This module assumes that you have an understanding of the organization of the ELDS and how to navigate them – this information was presented in the previous 3 modules. You will need copies of: LAUSD version of the ELD Standards, extra copies of the grade 3 ELD Standards in black and white for the last activity, the vignette, the evidence graphic organizer, the scaffolding handout, lesson plan, Show What You Know, and draft of teacher strategies handout.
Desired Outcomes Be able to reference/cite an ELD Standard Understand the difference between Integrated and Designated ELD Be able to include ELD Standards when planning lessons in any content area Become familiar with scaffolding and teaching strategies that are targeted for ELL students
Background Information Since the new ELD Standards were adopted by the CDE in 2012, California has become the first state in the country to create a framework document which connects the ELD Standards to the state standards. This framework was adopted in July, 2014, and includes a requirement that districts use a comprehensive approach to ELD – including both designated and integrated ELD for ELL students at all levels. The framework can be found at The framework is a 1,000 page document.
How do we reference/cite an ELD Standard? ELD.PI.3.1.BR PI – refers to the part Part I – Interacting in Meaningful Ways – purple, blue, and green sections – sets expectations for ELL students to participate in meaningful, relevant, and intellectually challenging ways, in various contexts and disciplines via the three modes – collaborative, interpretive, and productive. Part II – Learning About How English Works – red, orange, and gold sections – these offer guidance on how to support ELs to develop a deep understanding of how English is structured and organized, and to improve their ability to comprehend and produce academic texts in various content areas. Part III – Foundational Literacy Skills – white section - these are already embedded in the state standards for ELA/Literacy, and should be applied when needed with ELs – there are no separate standards. 3 – refers to the grade level 1 – refers to the strand number BR – refers to the level of the ELL student EM – emerging EX – expanding BR – bridging
Refer to the LAUSD handouts.
What is Designated ELD? “Protected time during the regular school day in which teachers use the CA ELD Standards…in ways that build into and from content instruction, in order to develop critical language ELs need for content learning in English.” Designated ELD should not be “isolated from ELA, science, social studies, mathematics, and other disciplines, but rather an opportunity to support ELs to develop the discourse practices, grammatical structures, and vocabulary necessary for successful participation in academic tasks across the content areas…It is a time to focus on the language of the content area in ways that are closely aligned with what is happening in content instruction.” We don’t want them to learn language in isolation – we are going to see that become the focus for Designated ELD in our district. “This intense focus on language in ways that build into and from content both reinforces content learning and promotes academic language development.” Teachers can share kids to group them homogeneously. There is a strong emphasis on oral language development in Designated ELD – our current curriculum is Avenues for our lower level ELL students, and the ELL Handbook which accompanies our HM anthologies for our higher level ELL students. Taken from The ELA/ELD Framework - California Department of Education - 2014
Video Set Up Teacher – Danielle Garegnani from Sherman Elementary in SDUSD The ELL students are third graders at the expanding level, reading below grade level, and are at risk of becoming LTELs (Long Term English Learners – in the program for six or more years). They are grouped homogeneously. The video clip you will see shows students engaged in Scaffolded Language Analysis, specifically text analysis, and also sentence reconstruction. Prior to the activities that you’ll see in the video, the teacher had read the text with them and discussed it, taught the language features of description, and guided them several times through the analysis of the language of description in the text they had read. This lesson on descriptive text type hits many different ELD Standards, but the video specifically addresses the following: ELD.PI.3.6.EX – Reading/viewing closely ELD.PII.3.6.EX – Connecting Ideas Have them locate and read through the two standards being addressed. Notice there are standards from both parts 1 and 2. As you’re watching, be looking for this in the video.
Video Clip (2:40) What evidence did you find?
What is Integrated ELD? “All teachers with ELs in their classrooms (even just one) use the CA ELD Standards in addition to their state standards for ELA/Literacy and other content standards to support their ELs’ linguistic and academic progress.” Students can be grouped heterogeneously. We know that now we are applying the ELA Literacy Standards through all of the content areas, and we need to do the same with the ELD Standards. “For ELs at the Emerging level, the same texts may be used. A companion text that reflects the content, but uses more accessible language may be useful as a temporary scaffold as students progress toward reading grade-level complex texts.” Reference the Text Compactor and the Academic Word Finder from Nancy Frey. Taken from The ELA/ELD Framework - California Department of Education - 2014
How do we use the ELD Standards in tandem with the State Standards? e-Standards app Refer to the ELD standards themselves for cross-references to ELA/Literacy state standards - also found in the LAUSD version. Augmentation documents for math and science are in draft form at this time.
Vignette Analysis The vignette example provided is from the framework document. It is a third grade science lesson. Notice that the state standards for ELA/Literacy and Science are cited, in addition to ELD Standards for Part I and II. Read the vignette. Use the graphic organizer provided and work with a partner or in a group to cite evidence that the teacher is addressing: ELD.PI.3.1.EX – Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions… ELD.PI.3.6.EX – Describe ideas…in greater detail…with moderate support ELD.PI.3.10b.EX – Paraphrase texts and recount experiences using complete sentences and key words from notes ELD.PII.3.7.EX – Condense clauses in a growing number of ways…to create precise and detailed sentences Refer to the vignette and graphic organizer handouts.
Framing Questions for Instructional Planning What are the English language proficiency levels of my ELL students? SRC, ELL IA, cumulative record Which CA ELD Standards amplify the state standards for ELA/Literacy at students’ English language proficiency levels? Include them in your lesson planning. Refer to the ELD Standards to see the correlation What language might be new for students and/or present challenges? How will students interact in meaningful ways and learn about how English works in collaborative, interpretive, and/or productive modes? Parts I and II of the ELD Standards Taken from The ELA/ELD Framework - California Department of Education - 2014
Lesson Plan Template ELD.PI.3.__.EX We are using an existing close reading lesson plan template found on ELA Central for third grade Trimester 2 on the Kumeyaay. Review the lesson with a partner or group keeping expanding (intermediate) level ELL students in mind. Use a copy of the third grade standards. Identify at least one ELD standard from Part I which is embedded in this lesson, and add it to the column titled “Standards” on page 2. Identify one standard from Part 2, and follow the same procedure. Refer to the lesson plan template. For this activity, they will need a copy of the third grade standards to work with if they aren’t a third grade teacher – you can do the extra copies in black and white. The different proficiency levels allow you to differentiate how you approach the standards with the ELL students in your class. Possible answers: ELD.PI.3.1.EX ELD.PII.3.2b.EX You can examine your own existing lessons for evidence of incorporation of the ELD standards – you may already be doing this. If not, look at the standards to see how you can incorporate them into your existing lessons.
What works for ELL students as we transition to the new State Standards? Examples of scaffolding – Aida Walqui Teacher strategies for listening/speaking, reading, and writing by proficiency level – Sally Fox (SDCOE) Show What You Know Refer to handouts.
Questions??/Next Steps 858-521-2748 The timeline for facilitation at the sites is before the end of May.