How does it happen? A total solar eclipse occurs when the disk of the moon appears to completely cover the disk of the sun in the sky. The sun is 400 times bigger than the moon, but the moon is 400 times closer - strange coincidence!!
Here is the difference between a solar and lunar eclipse
These heavenly bodies must line up, but it only occurs about once every 18 months During totality, the corona becomes visible. You can look at this without glasses - be careful...
Types of solar eclipses:
How are they different? Total Eclipse - the shadow falls on a very small area but we see darkness in that shadow Partial Eclipse - The moon is either too high or too low to cast a shadow on earth so we only see partial Annular Eclipse - The moon is slightly farther away than usual and the shadow does not reach earth. This looks like a “ring of fire”
Interesting numbers: 1442 - The last time a total eclipse was visible in St. Louis 2505 - The next total eclipse visible in St. Louis 2024 - Total solar eclipse visible in southern Missouri 1979 - The last total eclipse visible in the US 1918 - The last total eclipse visible from coast to coast 70 miles - the width of the shadow band
Path of the eclipse The path begins in the Pacific Ocean Shadow passes at 1500 miles per hour People near center will get totality for appx 2 ½ minutes St. Louis will get about 1 minute of totality on the edge Watch the path here
WARNING!! NEVER look directly at the sun without filter glasses except during the minute of totality Do NOT take pictures with your phone Do NOT use glasses that are scratched or are bent Do NOT look through camera viewfinder without a filter
Look forward to... Seeing corona during totality Slight temperature drop Stars and planets will be visible Planets: Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury Baily’s Beads (craters on moon let little sparkles of light out)
Enjoy the Eclipse!!