2017 www.caritas.org.nz www.nzcppa.org.nz A joint project of the NZ Catholic Primary Principals’ Association and Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Together we raised more than $20,000 for St John Bosco Primary School in Solomon Islands Helping the repair and construction of school buildings and new toilets **Second image covers the word construction AWESOME!
Image reference: http://postcard. pics-sydney. com
The islands of Fiji are 3 hours north of New Zealand by plane. What do you know about Fiji? Image reference: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au/images/maps/SolomonIslands.JPG
Fiji has more than 300 islands. Most Fijians live on two large islands: Vanua Levu (north) & Viti Levu (south) Image reference: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au/images/maps/SolomonIslands.JPG
Capital city: Suva (on Viti Levu) Population: 900,790 (October 2016 figure) Religion: Christian 64%, Hindu 28% and Muslim 6% Language: English, Fijian and Hindustani Currency: Fijian dollar Prime Minister: Frank Bainimarama President: George Konrote Close neighbours: Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu
Last year a very powerful Cyclone named Winston caused a lot of damage throughout the islands of Fiji. Winds reached speeds above 300 kilometres per hour! Image reference: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au/images/maps/SolomonIslands.JPG
Thousands of homes were damaged. Image reference: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au/images/maps/SolomonIslands.JPG
Winds were strong enough to uproot trees. Image reference: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au/images/maps/SolomonIslands.JPG Winds were strong enough to uproot trees.
Schools and students were affected by Cyclone Winston in many ways. Image reference: http://postcard.pics-sydney.com.au/images/maps/SolomonIslands.JPG
Nawi is a small village in the Northern Division of Vanua Levu. You can see it here Nawi is a small village in the Northern Division of Vanua Levu.
75 kilometres south of Savusavu town, Nawi is located right beside the coast.
Nawi Catholic Primary School is the only school in Nawi and looks like this…
There may only be 78 students and 4 teachers at the school, but they are full of energy and smiles!
Children attending the school come from 3 villages: Nawi, Vunikura & Dakuniba
At the moment, there is no electricity in Nawi because they are a long way from the power lines. Fiji is a hot country which gets a lot of sun. This sunlight can be used to make electricity with the help of solar panels.
With solar power, the students of Nawi Catholic Primary School can learn how to use computers in the future.
Having new lights will mean that students and teachers can continue doing their work after school and at night time. Other members of the Nawi community could also use the school for meetings at night.
This is the library of Nawi Catholic Primary School. What do you find surprising about this picture?
You guessed it… Not enough books! The children of Nawi would love to have some more books to read… books that are fun to read and will help them learn.
Let’s have fun and help the students and teachers at Nawi Catholic Primary
Access power through solar panels All the money we raise together in 2017 will go to Nawi Catholic Primary School to help them… Access power through solar panels Learn with new books for their library
Remember Nawi Catholic Primary in Fiji