Introduction to ISMIR/MIREX J.-S. Roger Jang (張智星) Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) Lab CSIE Dept, National Taiwan Univ. 2018/4/12
ISMIR Conference Title Hosted by ISMIR (incorporated in 2008) Intl. Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (2000-2007) Intl. Society for Music Information Retrieval (since 2008) Hosted by ISMIR (incorporated in 2008) Website: Free download of all papers
Ranking of ISMIR (1/2) Ranking by Microsoft Academic Search 100/2710 = 3.7% Category Computer Science Based on last 10 years Ranking criterion: Citation No. 1 in music related conference!
Ranking of ISMIR (2/2) Search criterion for Google Scholar what are the most cited publication venues for audio or acoustics or music or multimedia? &vq=multimedia+|+music+|+acoustics+|+acoustical+|+audio
ISMIR Venues (1/2) ISMIR 2017, 23-28 October 2014, Suzhou (China) ISMIR 2016, 7-11 August 2016, New York (USA) ISMIR 2015, 26-30 October 2015, Malaga (Spain) ISMIR 2014, 27-31 October 2014, Taipei (Taiwan) ISMIR 2013, 4-8 November 2013, Curitiba (Brazil) ISMIR 2012, 8-12 October 2012, Porto (Portugal) ISMIR 2011, 24-28 October 2011, Miami (Florida) ISMIR 2010, 9-13 August, 2010, Utrecht (Netherlands) ISMIR 2009, 26-30 October 2009, Kobe (Japan) ISMIR 2008, 14-18 September 2008, Philadelphia (USA) ISMIR 2007, 23-30 September 2007, Vienna (Austria) ISMIR 2006, 8-12 October 2006, Victoria, BC (Canada) ISMIR 2005, 11-15 September 2005, London (UK) ISMIR 2004, 10-15 October 2004, Barcelona (Spain) ISMIR 2003, 26-30 October 2003, Baltimore, Maryland (USA) ISMIR 2002, 13-17 October 2002, Paris (France) ISMIR 2001, 15-17 October 2001, Bloomington, Indiana (USA) ISMIR 2000, 23-25 October 2000, Plymouth, Massachusetts (USA)
ISMIR Venues (2/2)
ISMIR Growth: 2000-2009
MIREX Title Facts Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange Major event of ISMIR since 2005 Hosted by Prof. Stephen Downie at UIUC Gallery of state-of-the-art approaches for MIR Website:
Tasks at MIREX Audio classification via training/test Quiz! Audio classification via training/test Artist, genre, mood, composer Cover song identification Singing voice separation Audio melody extraction Audio fingerprinting Onset detection Tempo estimation Beat tracking Chord estimation Query by singing/humming Query by tapping Symbolic melodic similarity Audio structural segmentation Audio tagging Audio key detection Scoring following (real-time audio to score alignment) Multiple fundamental frequency estimation & tracking … Quiz about app. scenarios of score following
MIREX Task Categories Audio music Symbolic music Hybrid High-level feature identification Singing voice separation Melody extraction Onset detection Beat tracking Tempo extraction Key detection Chord estimation Multiple fundamental frequency estimation & tracking Audio structural segmentation Classification Genre, mood, artist, composer Retrieval Audio fingerprinting Cover song identification Tagging Audio music similarity and retrieval Alignment Score following Symbolic music Symbolic melodic similarity Hybrid Query by singing/humming Query by tapping
MIREX Participation Total Runs: 2397! 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 10 13 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Datasets 10 13 12 18 26 Individuals 82 50 73 84 138 Runs 86 92 122 169 289 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 31 32 35 42 55 152 156 109 116 108 337 312 302 328 360 Total Runs: 2397!
More about MIREX “Ten Years of MIREX: Reflections, Challenges and Opportunities” by Stephen Downie Paper: Video:
ISMIR-2014 ISMIR-2014 at Grand Hotel, Taipei 15th ISMIR & 10th MIREX Website: 225 attendees from 27 countries:
ISMIR-2014 What’s so different about ISMIR-2014? Everything open for free download All papers and slides (for both oral & poster) Videos (for oral presentations) Quality conference package One/half-day tours sponsored by 國貿局