Barbara Yates Lancaster & Morecambe College BIDMAS Barbara Yates Lancaster & Morecambe College 2014
BIDMAS Topic Aims Level Method Equipment Duration Basic number, BIDMAS, Algebra Aims To support learners gain knowledge and understanding of BIDMAS as a self-checking worksheet Level Entry level to GCSE Method Equipment You will need: attached worksheets provided, can be a paper based or electronic activity Duration 20 – 30 minutes
BIDMAS Brackets Division Indices Addition Subtraction Multiplication Commissioned and funded by
An agreed order of operations in Maths BIDMAS An agreed order of operations in Maths Commissioned and funded by
BIDMAS – Basic Operations Trail Barbara Yates Lancaster and Morecambe College 2014 BIDMAS – Basic Operations Trail 65 + 33 = ? ? – 45 = ? ? x 2 = ? ? – 26 = ? ? ÷ 4 = ? ? x 5 = ? ? ÷ 10 = ? ? x legs on a spider = ? ? + days in a leap year = ? My final answer is ? Commissioned and funded by
Lancaster and Morecambe College Barbara Yates Lancaster and Morecambe College 2014 BIDMAS - Algebra Trail ab = ? ?+ (2b + 2c) = ? ? x (6a + 3c) = ? ? – (4c – 2d) = ? ? ÷ (110d – 4a – b) = ? ?5 + 7d = ? ? ÷ 81 = ? ?2 x 23 = ? ? – (2a + 3c x 4d ÷c) = ? ? x (6b – 4c) = ? d My final answer is ? Where: a = 7 b = 4 c = 6 d = 9 Use the answer to each question to start the next. Commissioned and funded by
Lancaster and Morecambe College Barbara Yates Lancaster and Morecambe College 2014 BIDMAS Trail 14 + 7 x 6 = ? ? x 4 ÷ 2 = ? ? – 68 ÷ 4 = ? (? x 8) ÷ 4 = ? ? x 22 + 59 = ? ? + 35 ÷ 5 = ? ? x 2 ÷ 4 = ? ? + 3844 = ? ? ÷ 5 + 63 = ? My final answer is ? Use the answer to each question to start the next. Commissioned and funded by
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