Nature In Caves Some animals are red necked wallaby's , red belied black snakes , bats , lace monitor , barn owls. Some plants are eucalyptus trees , acacia , Pycnantha.
bats (structural)most species of bats rely on their ability to catch small animals quickly Insects themselves must be just as quick and agile to stay alive. (behavioural)Bats also have the ability to hibernate in seasons when weather or food shortages requires them to conserve energy . (structural)Bats are entirely different to other winged animals.
Barn Owls (structural)Barn owls have a face shaped like a disc to help locate prey. (structural)Barn owls have adapted to have a silent flight to help catch prey. (Behavioural)When they are threatened they react by crouching, spreading there wings, fluffing there feathers and hissing.
Red Bellied Black Snakes (behavioural)When fleeing from a predator they will enter the water and can stay under water for 23 minutes. (structural)They have the ability to swallow and digest animals that are bigger than themselves. (structural)They also have venom so deadly it can kill its prey.
Red Necked Wallaby (structural)Large ears for hearing predators sneak up on them. (structural)They also have a pouch to keep its newborn baby. (structural)They have a long/strong tail for keeping balance while jumping. (structural)There large back legs are good for jumping.
Lace Monitor (Structural)Lace monitors have clawed feet to climb up trees . (structural)They have a venomous bite to protected themselves from predators. (structural)They also have a long tail to help them balance when climbing trees.
Eucalyptus Trees (Behavioural)Eucalyptus trees have the ability to drop their seeds when hit by fire. (structural)Their leaves contain a toxin so not many animals eat their leaves and the can store water and nutrients in their roots.
Acacia Trees (Structural)Acacia trees have thorns to protect themselves from enemy's. (Structural)They have Long roots to collect water underground. (Structural)they have an umbrella shaped top to collect as much sunlight as possible for photosynthesis.
Golden Wattle (Structural) Its grown 8m tall so most animals now can’t eat its leaves. (Behavioural)They have adapted to living in hot and harsh environments. (Behavioural)The strong scent of Golden Wattles creates an illusion of an allergic reaction, this helps it survive.
A barn owls food chain
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How Can We Save Animals From Extinction In The Naracoorte Caves We can stop tours going into the Naracoorte caves and instead have wildlife protectors go down there to help the animals there
What Future Adaptations Do You Think May Help Animals And Plants Survive In Naracoorte Caves. Bats and barn owls faster flight and digest animals whole Red bellied blacksnake and lace monitor could have camouflage And they could fly. Red necked wallaby could climb up trees and have webbed feet. And all plants could have a digestive system with mouth and able to survive without sunlight for a long time.