/prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃən/ Pronunciation 1 & 2 Centro Colombo Americano March 1 2017
Pronunciation OBJECTIVES Identify strategies for… Explore book sections to work on your… Recognize some online tools to improve your… Pronunciation
Let’s talk about your pronunciation! 1. ¿Se identifican con esta situación? 2. ¿Qué ha sido lo más difícil en cuanto a la pronunciación? 3. ¿Qué ha hecho para aprender y mejorar su pronunciación?
Match the words with the examples
Entonación/ Intonation What’s the answer??? Acento/ stress Entonación/ Intonation Reducción/ Reduction Unión/ linking
WORD STRESS We say ONE syllable with more force or strength. we accentuate ONE syllable Movie /ˈmuːvɪ/
About Student vacation EXERCISE Mark the stress on the following words Beautiful Concert About Student vacation
Check your answers!!! Use your dictionary and check your answers with your partner! /ˈbjuː tɪ fʊl/ /ˈkɒn sɜːt/ /ə ˈbaʊt/ /ˈstjuːdənt/ /və ˈkeɪ ʃən/ BEAUTIFUL CONCERT ABOUT STUDENT VACATION
A falling intonation is very common in WH-questions Intonation describes how the voice rises and falls in speech. Where’s the nearest post-office? What time does the film finish? A falling intonation is very common in WH-questions Falling intonation
Rising intonation is common in yes-no questions Is that the new doctor? Are you thirsty? Do you work everyday Rising intonation is common in yes-no questions
Let’s Practice!!!Y CONFIRMACIÓN Rising intonation Falling Intonation Do you speak English? Are you in class? Did you go to the movies last weekend? Is she a nice person? How often do you go to the gym? What’s your favorite sport? Where are you from? What did you do last weekend?
Las reducciones son las omisión de un sonido.
En esta página web puede encontrar más ejemplos: REDUCTIONS En esta página web puede encontrar más ejemplos: http://www.pronunciationtips.com/reductions1.htm
Identify the stress, reductions, intonation, linking in this conversation
There are linking sounds in this conversation Can you find them?
Practice linking the sounds
Can you identify the rising and falling intonation In this conversation?
Book sections and Resources
Online tools
/aɪ/ /i:/ /ɪ/ shiporsheep.com tail tile Shiporsheeep uses minimal pairs practice to teach English sounds. This technique helps learners to distinguish between two different sounds.
PHONETICS FOCUS This website helps you perfect your pronunciation with a wide array of fun activities.
Phonetics:The sounds of american English Sounds of Speech* ™ The #1 phonetics website is now an App! Version 2.0 Available Now
MANYTHINGS.ORG This web site is for people studying English as a Second Language There are quizzes, word games, word puzzles etc…
RACHELENLGISH.COM Over 400 FREE videos that teach: • The sounds of American English • The keys to conversational English: rhythm, intonation, linking, and stress Learn how these concepts work together to speak confidently and be easily understood while improving listening comprehension. Study how Americans really speak.
YOUGLISH.COM Use YouTube to improve your English pronunciation. With more than 15M tracks, YouGlish gives you fast, unbiased answers about how English is spoken by real people and in context.
PRONUNROID Pronunroid is an educational game that makes practicing English phonetics more fun! It's aimed at practicing IPA (International Phonetics Alphabet)
WWW.ESLGOLD.COM ESLgold.com provides thousands of free resources and information for both students and teachers. All materials are organized by skill level for quick and easy access, Just click on a link to get started.