How are poems organised? Poetic structure How are poems organised?
Poems are organized into Stanzas: a group of lines or verses. Lines or verses: they are made up by a number of feet. Feet are made up by syllables ( i.e. iambic: an unstressed and a stressed syllables) Feet can have 2 or 3 syllables. Feet and Meters: lines are divided into different feet. The number of feet and the length of the line determines the type of meter ( see below )
Dividing feet By the shining Big Sea water At the doorway of his wigwam
Rhythm and rhyme Rhythm is usually determined by the type of meter. Syllabes usually rhyme with one another. Rhyme can be assonant or consonant According to the rhyme, a poem can have a structured form or not ( Free verse )
Acrostic Concrete
Important According to the form, theme, rhyme pattern, type of feet and meter and number of lines and or stanzas, we may have different types of poems. See below!