Does the movie enhance or detract?


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Presentation transcript:

Does the movie enhance or detract? Gatsby Paper Does the movie enhance or detract?

Introduction Hook: Example(s) Thesis: Through careful evaluation of ______________, _______________, and _________________, Baz Luhrmann’s film version of The Great Gatsby enhances / detracts from the experience of reading the book.

Thesis Examples Through careful evaluation of the movie’s soundtrack and musical score, Baz Luhrmann’s film version of The Great Gatsby enhances the experience of reading the book. Through careful evaluation of characterization, symbols, and theme, overall, the Baz Luhrmann’s film version of The Great Gatsby detracts from the experience of reading the book.

Body Paragraph One Claim Reason #1 (Credibility of Writer - Persona) Evidence/ Commentary Reason #2 (What’s at Stake? - Ethics) Reason #3 (Argumentative Appeal – Logic, Ethics, Emotion) Transition

Body Paragraph One Evidence Examples Writer’s Credibility: After reading the book and seeing the movie, the movie’s soundtrack adds a layer of sensory experience that only enhances imagery. For example, the book presents imagery of Daisy crying in Gatsby’s shirts “There such beautiful ..” (Gatsby 144). The movie’s soundtrack presents a song with the following lyrics by Lana Del Rey, “Will you still love me?” (Del Rey) The juxtaposition of Daisy’s failure to articulate her inner struggles is enhanced by the desperation in the music.

Body Paragraph One Evidence Examples Writer’s Credibility: The movie version of Gatsby nobly attempts, yet ultimately fails, to deliver the brilliant characters, symbolism, and themes of the book. Movies and books work independently on different levels. All the Lord of the Rings books and movies have their strong points. Yet some movie versions of books, are so drop dead awful, they actually make the viewer die a little to see them. The movie versions of the Percy Jackson books come to mind.

What’s at Stake Examples Reading the book, many students fail to connect with the imagery and ideas because Fitzgerald makes the reader work too hard. Because Lurhmann added such popular music, the modern viewer is finally able to access some of what eluded them before. For example, High school students all over the country reading this book will run out to see Lurhmann’s movie and think they now understand Gatsby, when in reality, they now possess the dangerous assumption of knowledge when if fact, they own none. For example…

Appeal Reading the book, with it’s subtle symbolism, leaves the reader feeling bored and out of touch for not “getting it,” while watching the movie (with its glorious technicolor and bombastic score) the viewer laughs, winces, and probably will cry. (Emotion) The book provides detail the movie does not or fails at completely. The book includes character detail. Of course it does. It’s a book. And with Gatsby, it’s nearly perfect. The movie presents flat characters (Jordan) or false characters (Nick) that change the intent of the book. (Logic) The movie changes the book, and that is unacceptable. For example, Daisy is unsympathetic in the book and almost likeable in the movie version. This changes the theme regarding class. (Ethic)

Body Paragraph 2 Claim (Counter Argument) Example that fits Commentary (Argumentative Move that establishes Condition of Rebuttal as either Concession or Refutation). Reason #4 (Logical, Ethical, or Emotional Appeal)

Example of Body Paragraph 2 Others will argue that the movie’s soundtrack does not provide the proper emotional connection to The Great Gatsby. This argument claims that the modern music pulls the viewer away from the individual experience the book allows you to have, or, critics might believe that the modern music discounts the traditional jazz music that would have actually been played during this time. Although these arguments would appear persuasive, they fail to account for the film audience’s familiarity with the music; without the inclusion of hip/hop, there would be no bridge connecting the audience through the gap of time.